Why do they hate each other so much? Theyre basically the same country

Why do they hate each other so much? Theyre basically the same country.

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Would you get along with yourself?

America doesn't hate canada. Most americans forgot it exists, posting on Yas Forums is the only reason I haven't.

We don’t hate each other at all Canadians and Americans get along very well IRL

Of course we’re gonna banter each other here

I don't have a blanket hate for Americans. I would say the relationship is a lot more nuanced than that.

I always dreamed about having an ability to create a copy of myself whenever i want to perform homosexual contact on each other.

there is literally nothing special about Canada and canadians, they might be the most pointless identityless nation on earth

The only reason I don't forget Canada exists is because of the flags here. All the Canucks I've met IRL have been nice people, on the internet they're a mix of passive aggressive because they're buttblasted over our politics or they're fine people. Yas Forums is the only place I've found where they're constantly seething about Murica

I guess not.

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We don't really hate each other it's just banter, I generally side with Americans in debates with euros. It's just that they are a crazier version of us. They don't understand their obesity problem, gun violence or why free health care is a good thing so it's easy to banter them. We are the safer version of them

It's not that we hate each other, it's that, historically speaking, Canadian identity is explicitly negative: a rejection of American liberalism. Historically Canada was seen as a very conservative, very british nation for this reason, though this has since degenerated into hating on Drumpf, and sucking off gays, and voting for every pozzed politician imaginable for the last 60 years.

Well it hasn’t changed much because the Canadian identity is still essentially “we’re not America”

dont base your opinion on two countries off of an image board for christ sake.

in reality were really close.

I agree, but now it's for all the wrong reasons. Now we embrace American liberalism (like the rest of Western Civ), and pride ourselves on the most superficial, banal things like hockey, tim hortorns, and shitty universal healthcare.

Why do they hate each other so much? Theyre basically the same country.

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Canadians seem to hate us for some reason. Exhibit A is that one leaf that spans Corona threads rooting for Americans to die.

Canada hates us because they are us
We hate Canada because they won't admit it

>obesity problem
See “free healthcare.”
>gun violence
I'd rather live in the most violent nation on Earth than give up my firearms.
>free health care
Death to fatties.

Only Minnesota somewhat resembles Canada. The southern states are not like Canada at all.

We must unite against the Euroid dogs

shut up commie

It's pretty one sided and feels like its more than just banter. I don't like you guys because of that.

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Not really. I've visited the US and culturally and ethnically it's more like Mexico

No we're not. We're unfortunately just very dependent on them for trade. Americans don't give a fuck about us and most of them want us to die.

The day of the rake will come, remember that leaf

That isn't true user. The average American views your country favorably.

I don't believe it especially after my experiences with Americans on Yas Forums and abroad.


>Yas Forums
Where did you go? Mind you, Americans have a tendency of loving a place and its people but being sometimes aggressively ignorant to what it means to come from there. I deal with it often.

>americans on Yas Forums
the average american doesn't browse Yas Forums, user.

Most americans love canada and canadians. Some drumplft fags hate your leader and mock some of your social institutions but that's about it

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One sided in what way? Canadians are constantly spamming threads about Americans dying and one or two Americans occasionally call you'uns “poochinknadians.”