Is still chinese characters are used widely in Japan?

is still chinese characters are used widely in Japan?

Attached: characters-perspective (1).png (420x441, 104.09K)


i believe they prefer moving characters

Yes. You are a disgrace to East Asia because you don't use Chinese Characters even though you are an East Asian.

Yes! Many places in Korea too.

You country should re-adopt Chinese characters for easier communications with Chinese.
It's okay for Korea to hate Japan but throwing out Chinese character's usefulness is a bad idea.

If your country don't use Chinese character your country is retarded country

no problem living in Korea only knowing very basic chinese characters

I'm studying hanja now and it doesn't seem too difficult

Japan should redo their alphabet for it to become easier to learn and better integration of foreigners into japanese society.

Reminder that Japan became a bastardized China when one of their emperors realized “damn, were so shit compared to China... let’s copy what they do!”

"east asia" is a made up concept so it doesn't matter.
plus if any korea's been the slave class of the region, always dominated by somebody else, meaning they don't really need kanji literacy except for a handful of elite.

Attached: 1585839988743.jpg (600x600, 79.04K)

What characters do you know?

Reminder that China became a bastardized Japan when the commies realized “damn, were so shit compared to Japan... let’s copy what they do!”

Attached: 1584816891959.jpg (456x1036, 255.64K)

Japanese language has too many homonyms and disturbing conjugation and particles.
had it been only hiragana the language could be more evil.
How could we fix it?

小 中 大
上 下
男 女
東 西 南 北
月 火 水 木 金 土 日

Why wouldn't I be able to understand what you mean depending on the context of a conversation?
Let's say we have a word X that has several meanings. One would be used for food and the other would be used for something regarding something else, like weather condition or something.
If I would hear you would say I was cooking X yesterday I would understand that you're talking about X that is some food and not X that is a weather condition.
I mean you can perfectly understand each other in Japan through talking and you don't have to show up a smartphone to the person you talk to constantly just to show how the word you've just said is written so he could understand what you have meant.

So you believe using Kanji makes people TMI, huh?

What you point out is right. It's really easy to understand in conversation with context.
But I'd also like to have a way in writing system to express something without causing confusion.

的 一 (?, shi) 不 (?, le) 人 我
在 有 他 (?) 中 大 來
上 國 個 (?) 說 們 爲
子 和 (?, ni) 地 出 道 (?, ye)
時 年 (?) (?) 郡? (?, yao)

All I could read from the pic
(?) is what I couldn't read
(?, xxx) is what I couldn't read as hanja but learnt from Chinese class so know how to pronounce in Chinese

Dude, that's like, a day's practice of memorizing Chinese characters. It's not that hard. Your ancestors has used those for a milennium.

>learnt from Chinese class

Do Koreans have mandatory Chinese class?

Yeah, but they only learn a thousand or so (and forget the majority)

Introduce a few more vowels or consonants. Ä as in ash (vs the one in car) wouldn't be a bad addition.

chink cocksuckers

This looks so ugly compared to
But Japan uses the first glyph. I thought Japan had a good sense of aesthetic?

can you read it?

Attached: d4.jpg (728x500, 132.76K)

yes i can

In middle school, it was Japanese but nowadays middle schools tend to teach Chinese (it's mandatory class) plus hanja class.
In high school, it depends on school's policy but most of the school have both Japanese or Chinese class opened and can decide one to take. Hanja is still mandatory class but nobody gives a shit about it (some schools have French, German, Spanish, Italian, Arabic and more)

Second one is difficult to write, and honestly looks messy

It’s literally just two strokes

lol. and so you learn chinese and english?

The "Meiji model" is just the American School developed by Friedrich List originally for Germany. In fact the only reason Japan, Taiwan. South Korea, and China were able to become economically successful was because the US allowed them to be extremely protectionist and still have unfettered access to the our market. But like the Plaza Accords proved, as soon as the free ride is over asian economies go to shit.

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