Srbija Srbima edition
/balk/Balkan thread
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>Noizy? Sorry bro, it's Buta for me
this is why i don't exercise coz i ain't gay
you just know this was drawn by some incredibly obese fuck
I can't believe I watched all episodes of Bojack Horseman. Fucking Xpozed planted the idea in my head 2 years ago, and now i watched them all. It was good.
Never underestimate the power of subconsciousness though
Imagine being some caveman in prehistoric Greece
You fuck virgin girls in their prime
Life never gets boring
Night sky full of stars and you never have to worry about bullshit
I love China
You spend your whole day thinking about fucking girls
t. unathletic skinnyfat beta male
>mother dies at birth
>baby brother eaten by wild dogs at night
>father dies of typhus
>scratch your toe and die get infected and die of sepsis
Sounds really awesome
That is a J*panese.
There’s two major clues you’re talking to a genetic dead end friendless loser when you see someone on an obscure forum talking about “self improvement”:
1. The fact that they’re on this website at all
2. The fact that their conception of “self improvement” often involves an bunch of time wasting, solitary activities that will not at any point in your life benefit you.
You, the “self improver”, have never had friends, you’ve never kissed a woman, you get anxiety at the idea of asking the cashier for an extra packet of ketchup. You wish for these things to change, so what do you do? You go to the gym, alone, wearing nose canceling headphones and swing some dumbbells around for a few hours. You stand under cold water instead of warm water in the morning. You refrain from touching your penis for a few weeks. Do you understand now why you’re a laughing stock, socially outcasted loser? Those are the things you come up in a laughable attempt to check back into society?
Again, like I’ve said in the past, no normal human being ever had to “self improve” to fit into society. They never had to “self improve” to get a family or friends. They just existed and these things fell into their laps without a moment’s thought for them. They are normal, and therefore their brains are immune to brain diseases like internet addiction, or fascination with fringe political ideologies (no normal human being ever had a phase where they debated about the ethics of Hitler’s regime on the internet). Because they have brains immune to these things, they never dropped out of society. The fact that many self improvers think they need do these bizarre rituals (nofap, insane, expensive, time wasting skincare routines) in the first place shows they will never get it.
>Pola godine posle tvrdnji da učenice srednjiš škola u Vranju nude na ulici svoje seksualne usluge po ceni od 10 do 20 evra, malo toga se prema tvrdnji lokalnih medija promenilo u međuvremenu.
>Devojke svoje usluge nude na ulici, a najčešći korisnici su albanski vozači koji tuda prolaze i kamiondžije.
>Devojke iz Vranja prema tvrdnji lokalnih medija odlaze i u Preševo gde takođe Albancima nude svoje telo.
Brother Xi
>so what do you do? You go to the gym, alone, wearing nose canceling headphones and swing some dumbbells around for a few hours
who does this? there's nothing more based than going to gym and talking shit with your m8s
My m8s are xSTPs
I wich i had xNTx friends
>Half a year after claims that Serb high school girls in Vranje are offering their sexual services on the street for a price of 10 to 20 euros, little according to local media, has changed in the meantime.
>Girls offer their services on the street, and the most frequent customers are Albanian drivers who also pass truckers there.
>According to local media, Serb girls from Vranje go to Presevo where they also offer Albanians their bodies.
Why pay 10 euros, they will suck albanian men dry for free anyways lmao
I wish fyrombey would post here as much as he used to
I must buy some virgin in the next years
Someone translate "Krejt KFORI nanen jau q*** te dyve"
Maymoon high tech
>check back into society
Is this a good metaphor for Macedonian-Tatar relations?
Can you retards stop arguing for a minute about whatever you argue here every day and recommend me a worthwhile anime?
No but I can suggest you to kill yourself for watching anime
anime autists need to be executed
these dudes who marry albanian women are Yas Forums irl
Stop cringeposting please, you’re on an anime website.
r9k has an MBTI thread
Reminds me of an ancient copypasta about the early days of the internet, some boomer american edating with an albanian woman, flying here to meet her, getting to her apartment, confessing his love, then her brothers show up, rob the guy, and he wakes up in a bath tub full of ice minus one kidney.