If you dress as a Jew in new York you can do whatever the fuck you want

If you dress as a Jew in new York you can do whatever the fuck you want

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Even crazy stuff like taking off my shoes inside?

how do i dress like a jew?

I have done this. You don't even have to fake an accent, just tell them you're not from there.

It's hilarious tho, Americans literally bow down to you and suck your dick even when spewing hate towards them right on their faces.

top kek

>be me
>no Jewish ancestry whatsoever
>people constantly tell me that I look suspiciously Jewish

>be 18 years old
>take a solo trip to New York
>no money, just having a good time strolling around and people-watching
>in downtown Manhattan
>gang of Orthodox Jews comes up to me
>surrounds me on all sides

>asks if I've taken my birthright trip yet

>flash-forward to 2019
>hiking in the mountains of Colombia with a Dutch woman and a middle-aged Israeli man
>Israeli guy asks me if I'm Jewish
>I say no
>he stares at me pointedly and says, "Take a DNA test. I am willing to bet you have some Jew in you, user"


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Post results.

Do a test
Wish I could be part of the club desu

This is actually accurate
t. Jew Yorker

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I haven't taken one. If I get unemployment gibs, I'll purchase a kit.

My dad's taken a DNA test, though, and there's not a single trace of Jew on that side of the family: we're wholly Eastern European, with the largest concentration of markers in Slovakia (which came as something of a surprise, because our family came to the U.S. from Poland and Russia). Mom hasn't done one, though, I just know her grandpa was an Irish immigrant.

Don't the blacks give you trouble?

What are some Jew Yorker kinos

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my roomate is jewish and looks just like this

Adam Sandler looks really jewish

All blacks lives in the south

It’ll be the Irish. My family has a fair amount of Irish ancestry from my mother’s side and my brother looks completely like a Jew. When we were on a trip to New York City, my dad and I constantly called him a “Wall Street Jew”.

I am from a Jewish family and i know how to be stoped during travels by some random other kikes speaking in Hebrew, at least they are nice

Maybe. If anything, though, I think my nose is the culprit. It's not curved, deformed, or even particularly unattractive, but it is prominent. TBQH, I've never thought of myself as particularly Jewish-looking: I'd blend in a lot better in Poland than Israel.

He is Jewish...

Never said he wasn't

hello cousin

You have a point Michel

Blacks know if they fuck with jews the navy seals are going to be deployed against them

Don't do it. The blacks in Brooklyn like to punch jewish guys for no reason.

Black Israelites in New York fuck with Jews all the time lol

What about black jews?

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>If you dress as a Jew in new York you can do whatever the fuck you want
no,you'll get raped or mugged

>posting threads about jews at 4am insteading of sleeping

As someone who dressed as a Jew in NY for many years, I promise you, you really can't.

Why not use it to your advantage?