/human/ (/nowhite/)

A general for humanity. Colourless sub humans also known as wh*te “people” are not welcome here

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White people are the only reason the earth has some peace. muslims are not human desu

Lmao edom is at it again

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Your frustrated because it's true. Look at Europe where ever the subhumans go violence follows. Even your pedo prophet acknowledges it lol

*has wet earwax*
*digests milk*

Excellent thread akhi.


whites are responsible of 90% of world conflicts and violence

>Saudi Arabia

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preaching to the choir here brotha.
just look at any of the int generals made by europeans. Its full of butthurt and autistic shitflinging.

Are Asians allowed to participate in here?

This USA, china, Saudi Arabia and isreal should be banished from the earth

Yes yellow brotha

>white people

I want to be enslaved and bred by a Wh*te Master

Fuck white.

Finally a based thread

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Im inhuman

Whitey, are you okay?
So, whitey are you okay? Are you okay, whitey?

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Hello fellow non-whites. Do u guys want aspirin?

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Saudis are wh*te
Fuck off from here wh*ty


>That skin
Ewww whitey fuck off

all mena are white

goat fuckers are brown

what did he mean by this


uhm hello? based department?

I hate both subhumans and humans, we need inhuman general

Based. I hate blacks

Based Morrocan BVLL


no when i was in Afghanistan loads of young muslim men would fuck all sorts of live stock. its a brown muslim thing.
I hope you get raped by your dad lol

Lots of mena flags are proxies used as memeflags to make anti white posts, I doubt they are real arabs