Would you fight for your country if it got invaded?

Would you fight for your country if it got invaded?

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I really don't understand how these numbers are so low.

No. I'm leaving this shithole in two years, why the fuck would I want to save it?

Invaded by whom?

sure, but only if its being invaded, no dying for foreign interests like americans do

Also wtf is wrong with the portubros??


I would only fight for my nation

They must have been asking a specific group of people. This seems unbelievable for the entire general populace.


The only country I would fight for is Mother England


Why would you sacrifice your life for an artificial construct?




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Petty tribalism.

what's artifical about it lmao you live in it and enjoy its fruit every single day


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it's man made. Pretty much the definition of artificial lol And just because I 'enjoy its fruits every single day' doesn't mean that I value it's survival more than my own

Fuck no.
It essentially will mean that I will be fighting for monky and his elites.

these numbers are fucked. iirc, finnish participants got asked a different variant, "would you defend an invasion", and others "would you fight for your country"

also portugal . . . whoever takes this map/data seriously is a retard

nah bruv

Your life has an ending no matter what you do. Might as well make it count.


No, my country Is beyond saving

Because I wish for death.

What else might "fighting for your country" mean? It's not like Americans dying in Iraq for Israel did that for their country.


Is Portugal literally the definition of "I have given up on life"?

Mainland America will never be invaded again

Because the moment you get conquered by another artificial construct you will be treated terribly by said artificial construct

Definitely NO


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>Might as well make it count
Make it count for what tho? If my country in a war I fucking leave for a better place for me and my family. All my great grandparents got for fighting for their homeland was a cold grave in Russia, their children grew up poor and without anyone to provide for them

the american army is a collection of poor people with mental disabilities

hell no. lmao thats for human cattle

damn eastern euros should invade w*stoids

15+ million is more than enough to defend a country

>I don't want to sacrifice my life for a country
>"I have given up on life"

I'm willing but I'm not eligible for fully duty.

yeah but I don't plan to stay and get conquered. I'd flee and or defect if the odds are in their favor and flight is not possible. I value my and my family's well-being more than that of a country where I happen to have been born

fighting for something is the very opposite of giving up

They probably polled our conscripts

Ryssä/manne/somali or whatever form of failure you are cope.

just saying what i know. sorry if youre butthurt about facts, but theres nothing i can do about it

Germany, Polakeshit, Baltics, Romania, Italy are invaded you stupid fuck. by USA.

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What facts did you present?

There is no way 3/4 of this country would be ready to take up arms, those numbers are skewed heavily.

t. eri

ah yes, facts.

What is worth saving in Italy?

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that the numbers are fucked. do you disagree?

>I'd flee
Usually that's not possible
>and or defect if the odds are in their favor and flight is not possible.
You will be treated shit regardless if you defect or not. Once you've run your course of usefulness they will most likely imprison or kill you. People don't respect traitors.

Source? Please present your facts and stop projecting your own failures and bitterness onto others.

Really depends.
If it would be an conventional war to just fuck over our elites (like say against France 1870/71) and take their money, no. I don't have a lot that an invader could take from me, no wealth, very little freedom... no reason to risk my life just to get fucked by someone other than Merkel.
If it was an all out war against my cunt and people, like an muslim invasion or something, of course.

i dont remember where i read that from, but do you honestly believe finland is that high? you honestly believe portugal is at zero? wtf is wrong with you

Because the government says its not "your" country, it somehow belongs to everyone, and the country is only a physical fenced in area and a constitution of laws and regulations. You are just defending a fence and some words.
A country should be more than that.

Fighting for "your" country is ultimate cuckoldry.


Italy is only 2% higher, what are you on about?

Finns fucking based

go on then, flee like a man.

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>You are just defending a fence
This would literally be Nazi. At least here.

anything is better than dying and fighting increases your chances of dying quite a lot so if it is possible I will do anything to not fight. In a hypothetical scenario you would know in advance if a war is likely and flee beforehand. For example there is an outside power threatening to invade.
>People don't respect traitors
Yeah but most don't kill defectors. Also defecting is a last resort and still better than dying in a lost war

>Invaded by whom? Why?
Fighting for clay in 2020 when 80% of the population living in metropolitan areas is utterly stupid. Also doesn't matter who owns the clay, most of the profit from it's resources land in Mr. Shekelberg's pocket anyway.