I suffer in Brazil

>I suffer in Brazil

Attached: 1587276552218.jpg (1080x1113, 137.94K)

Other urls found in this thread:

youtube.com/results?search_query=sayuri mattar

>felipe will never love me

Attached: 32466876.jpg (217x320, 9.74K)

Get this whore outta my face

Felipe looks kinda ugly in that pic desu

Is that a tranny? How could this have been normalized

It's a conspiracy, it is over.

>Felipe is a money grubbing whore that cheated on ex bf
What a surprise. More evidence as to why Emma is much better

You don't know much about brazil apparently

Felipe always looked ugly because he is a man

yeah, because "she" can't hide her masculine mug with favorable lighting and angles in this pick dumb ass.

But men can look attractive desu

haha dicklet gym rats
Yas Forums fags WILL defend this!

Attached: brazilian gf meme.jpg (1080x1080, 133.21K)

Gimme 2 minutes.

why are you so obsessed with trannies?

what does the caption say

not men that try to look like women

when the girl you are dating has a bigger dick than you

she fucks him, that's the best version

Check Yas Forums.

I don't understand what's being implied here.

I am kinda obsessed in general, so I just change the topics on what to obsess about every once in a while.


Like you wouldn't.

Based obsessed full of obsessions

What was your last obsession?


Need names.

In what way? Were you bulimic yourself?

Herbert Richards, Paulo Boulos, Augusto Rademaker, Daniel Braga, Franchesco Matarazzo

I meant the chick with the dick.


youtube.com/results?search_query=sayuri mattar