Daily reminder that you will never get a Swedish gf

Daily reminder that you will never get a Swedish gf

Attached: swedoid whores.png (651x960, 513.2K)

they seem wonderful, what would I be missing out on?

They don't look Swedish one bit

Thank god

Attached: 1563225727423.jpg (960x960, 134.24K)

My wife is Swedish.

literally made for bbc and achmed

A tall blonde girl? Oh no where ever will I find one of those in the Netherlands?

Am I supposed to feel bad about that?

Japanese women are better

I hear from Sweedes they're huge whores, so I don't feel bad at all

I'm black so i have a good chance

Flat assed Mongoloid subhumans

Why are their backs fucked up?


>implying we want

Attached: womenportugal2qd221d.jpg (402x768, 52.34K)

I probably could, but I don't date white girls.

i will never get a girlfriend from any country


Lumbar Lordosis.

couldnt care less

I already have one though.

yes, would rather have portuguese

İ'd rape and impregnate both of them tbqh

too much bbc


Attached: Dorina-Chihaia-Miss-Univers-11.jpg (700x1050, 86.42K)

beat it


Dark haired swarthy girls will always be the best
Don't care about swedoids

try not to coom

Attached: 14822650319.webm (1280x720, 2.98M)



>that face
>no tits
>no ass
Swedish woman or a 12yo?
If you find this sexually appealing, you have a problem.