ITT: Accent rating thread

ITT: Accent rating thread.
Record the text below on vocaroo and post it here, rate and be rated.

“Given the choice, whether to rule a corrupt and failing empire; or to challenge the fates for another throw - a better throw - against one's destiny... what was a king to do? But does one even truly have a choice? One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars.”

Attached: vocaroo-log.jpg (225x225, 6.96K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Ooops, I forgot to post the vocaroo.

Will also take foreign-language requests, if I'm given text. Bored as shit and drinking at home.

Your accent sounds cool, I wish I could make an American accent.

Try reading this Portuguese poem.

No alto daquele Cume
Plantei uma roseira
O vento no Cume bate
A rosa no Cume cheira

Quando vem a chuva fina
Salpicos no Cume caem
Formigas no Cume entram
Abelhas do Cume saem

Quando cai a Chuva grossa
A água do Cume desce
O barro do Cume escorre
O mato no Cume cresce

Então quando cessa a chuva
No Cume volta a alegria
Pois torna a brilhar de novo
O sol que no Cume ardia

Understandable, and a bit unique. Doesn't sound native (this is not a bad thing.)

>doesn't sound native
But I...
Could you record it?

I've traveled lots but never been to a Portuguese-speaking country, so I'm sure I fucked something up.

Curious as to why you think it doesn't sound native. I grew up in the Midwest speaking English as a first language; my parents are from New England. However, I've spent about half my adult life in India (in my mid-twenties now, so it's a decent chunk of time), and both my best friends are heavily-accented immigrants.

People often ask me if I'm from Canada, kek.

I can see why. It's something in the way you segue from word to word during sentence breaks, and how you pronounce the 'ow' in "throw"

tfw have a nusouthern accent (by which I mean barely any accent)

I recorded one but I sound a bit like a faggot so won’t post

Huh. To be honest, I can't really tell what's off about the "ow" in the way I say "throw." But I've spent the better part of the past decade primarily speaking to people whose first language isn't English; I suppose it'd be more surprising if there wasn't any impact upon my speech than if there was.

My mom's told me that my conversational cadence is a little strange; I think it's something I picked up from living in India.

Anyway, will record whatever. Can also try to do a hick accent or Russian accent, kek. Alabamafag in another thread told me my Southern accent is pretty gud.

Awesome, it was pretty understandable.

Hello, this is OP.

I have no idea how that is supposed to sound like.

Why are you worried about a bunch of anonymous who will never know who you are?
Just post it in here.

TBQH I don't really know how to properly read Portuguese, insofar as pronunciation is concerned.

That's understandable. I couldn't place it before, but it does remind me very slightly of how an Indian might speak English. But only in parts.

For fun, you could go on the Yas Forums catalog and read some thread ops

>Southern accent is pretty gud.
Vocaroo it please.
I wish I could do Redneck and Cockney accent, I find these cool. (Maybe one day I learn how to do accents properly)

Portuguese is pretty easy, you read exactly as it's written, way easier than English (The hardest part of learning English is getting used to NOT to read things are they are written).

i cannot even speak when i'm alone, it feels awkward and cringy

It's okay user. You don't have to.

>Portuguese is pretty easy, you read exactly as it's written
Yeah, but I think you pronounce certain letter combinations differently than we do. And I also think there are certain tonal emphases we don't have, either.

>redneck accent


I can also record something in Spanish (Continental or Latin American dialect/accent) or possibly Norwegian.

That was hard

Oh, you.

Where are you from? Your accent is quite dissimilar from what I expected.

Yeah, letter combinations sounds different, but they are pretty straightforward, unlike English where you read things like "th" in 4 different ways. (But our conjugations is hell, pic rel).
This is my """"redneck""""" accent (Warning: I suck at it)

The way you pronound "throw" is basically impossible for any non-native to reproduce, I've given up from trying that a long time ago.

Attached: Ingles é difícil.jpg (350x280, 70.43K)

I’m from the Washington DC area. What does my accent sound like to you?

Also me by the way

Fucking kek'd, user, thanks

Here's Russian:

I worked in an office full of Russians for several years, so I'd hope it's decent

Why only Americans posting ITT? Don't you guys already speak English, what's the point?

Attached: 1587173303714.jpg (780x438, 45.22K)

Swedish accent sounds cool AF, I mean you sound like Greta right? You guys don't even have to try.

I'd happily say something in Spanish for you, user

You guys are good at pronouncing Portuguese, I can understand perfectly.

>What does my accent sound like to you?
Hard to explain, sounds American for sure, but different, a bit more "serious".

Kek @ your Russian accent.
This is mine:

They are speaking other languages/accents.
Hable también :3

Nowhere was it written that the accent had to be for English.

Huh, it’s strange my accent sounds serious, considering that my personality is the opposite of that

Will you do French? I've sung a song for you guys

La douceur blessée des soupirs étouffés
Le bruit sourd et singulier des mots
Quelque chose de sombre dans la bouche
La nuit qui atteint les yeux déjà vides
Le regard sauvage et anéanti
Les quêtes vaines dans les rues bondées

Cela commence toujours ainsi
Mais le sommeil n'est pas la solution

Le courage qui fléchit le corps qui lâche
La trahison toute honte bue
Les joues qui se remplissent d'air
Les bouches qui restent silencieuses
Les comprimés bus avec de la bière
La poussière lente des rêves diurnes

Cela commence toujours ainsi
Mais le sommeil n'est pas la solution

La mollesse moite qui tombe dans l'estomac
L'éternelle patience des voix étrangères
Les mots impossibles de la réconciliation
Les tremblements incompréhensibles
La peur de rues et de miroirs
La vacuité de voix quotidiennes

Cela commence toujours ainsi
Cela commence toujours ainsi

OP here, how do I sound for you Americans?

Awesome :3

I live in Appalachia (northeast Tennessee) and I'm African American