I used to think women had it easy, but, to be fair, it's depends of where you was born.
Imagine being a female in Afghanistan
I used to think women had it easy, but, to be fair, it's depends of where you was born
>Imagine being a female in Afghanistan
Afghan women are the top-tier women, No one can compete against them.
Yeah but it's useless because afghans don't like to see women.
this is what a incel world looks like
Crazy to think that very few people in mena even covered their hair before USA liberated us
Imagine being a loved wife who is treated fairly without regard to temporal things like fading beauty, but for her purity of soul.
Imagine having a family and children who love and respect you.
I want to have a wife like Soraya
Imagine being a tall handsome gigachad in MENA and you can’t get a gf because of islam and smelly fat old men taking all the women from you
Truly I understand why they turn to terrorism
Nah they beat and treat the women like trash.
>woman gets old
>Get a 2nd wife
>First wife now cooking wife while 2nd wife gets all the sex and better arrangement
>2nd wife gets old
>2nd wife now delegated to cleaning, 1st wife still cooking
>get a 3rd wife
>3rd wife sex wife
>they finally get old as well
>Fuck it bitch maintain the garden or something
>4th one is sex wife
>die of old age
what a wonderful world
>Afghan women are the top-tier women, No one can compete against them.
Unfortunately for you, life isn't a Hollywood movie.
Women here are treated better than your shitholes, in yours, women are only a vessel, her highest dream is to be a porn star, while our women are mothers and wives and teachers.
Most people in MENA are monogamous.
>while our women are mothers and wives and teachers.
>About 77 percent of public school teachers were female in USA
>47.7% of females over the age of 15
>48% of females are wives
>40.6% of all households have children
>41% of all households in USA have children
>while our women are mothers and wives and teachers.
And so are ours you fucking retard.
Life is indeed very shit for Afghan women. It's fucked up when you read how badly a lot of them get treated. Also I think it's the only country where women kill themselves more often than men do
>41% of all households in USA have children
All Hispanic and Asian BVLLs.
I talked about Afghanistan and you get offended? Will you deny that women live like shit in Afghanistan?
I mean I didn't even talk about MENA in general, just Afghanistan. Don't understand why are you mad
Bro less and less women become mothers in the west.
No shit, it's been in a constant civil war for 40 years. Everyone is treated like shit there.
>talks stereotypes about other cultures
>starts to being statistics when it's about his culture
See retard? I'm saying stop talking about shit you don't know about
.Whenever /mena/ gets mentioned, westerners and western wannabes start throwing shit and chimp it out
>they fuck goats
>they beat women
>they marry four wives
>they rape
And this false shit and it makes me mad, stop talking out of your ass
Again, the post was about Afghanistan, not MENA in general.
Why do they behave like that? Why are they so mad at these cuties
but women are the happiest under patriarchy. Western women are on antidepressants.
In my country, this is illegal
Many factors really. Poverty, trauma from war, bad education, difficult unsatisfactory jobs will cause anger, and then where else to turn that anger than towards someone close to him who is weaker, especially when he's probably seen his own father do that and seen women being treated as lesser? It's not an excuse but an explanation.
Also this behaviour is not exclusive to men. Women will also bully their son's wife, the children of their husband's previous wife, their own children etc. anyone who is in a weaker position.
Of course not everyone is like this and in Afghanistan as well there are kind men who value their wife and daughters. But yes this injustice is rampant
> Screenshot (124)
That sounds like a pretty good deal. Their body is of use before it turns to shit and when it does they still get provided for with a continually diminishing workload.
But this is your religion.
You get to sit around all day and raise beautiful pashtun children.
If you do that, you're going to prison
From the way incels talk about women I'm glad they're incels.
The men in Afghanistan are based and blackpilled
They recognize the subhuman nature of the f*moid and treat them accordingly