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International #1215
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Hilo latino /lat/
Are they the best kind of Finnish?
What's the best type of pasta?
I am trying photography do you like
Leave your polluted disease ridden homeland to spend your time defending your homeland on the internet
Why have white people invented 95% of the worlds inventions
/nederdraad/ + /Danmark tråd/
/v4/ + frens
Who buys german clothing?
/fr/ - le francofil
Los Latinoamericanos del este
/ita/ il filo
Nice people
Swedish women look like THIS??!
Is it possible to pin point the exact moment in history when the downfall of the USA started?
Why do they love spicy food so much?
Sverigetråden - Det blir ingen midsommar pga Corona upplagan
/leaf/ - Canada and friends
/dixie/ – The South (and "friends")
Does this happen often in your country...?
ITT: underrated countries
Do you want to live in this world?
Oh you’re from France? That’s so cool!! What? No, of course I don’t care if both your parents are from Algeria...
/deutsch/e Auto-Ausgabe
/cum/ - canada, usa, mexico
Every time a German opens this webm, he dies
Wake up
/mena/ - Middle East & North Africa
Rate this again
In England you can walk trough neighbourhoods without seeing a single tree or more than 2
I'm Turkish but I feel American. I always advocate the use of A & B plug types...
You aren't white
So they proved the lockdowns barely have any effect right? They are doing better than a lot of other countries
What's the worst thing the USA has done to your cunt?
Anons who live with your parents
/flag/ + /extraflags/ Detroit
Post your score
/esp/ - hmm goncrete edition
Hey non english native spaekrs
I've spent over €3000 on weed in 2020
Lets be real, America is the cutest
Read wikipedia article of finland
Read American history
What is your favourite war that your country took part in and why? For me, it's The Falklands War
Post a cake from your country. I don't fucking know
Your country
Please come to Romania and fuck our women
Am making good use of Tinder passport feature, let's get a Tinder thread going Yas Forums
/fr/ - le francofil
What's your opinion on cultural appropriation?
/ita/ il filo
Is this accurate
Is it true that Anglo is a French creole and they are not true Germanic?
Let me guess
Does capitalism have soul?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Name one thing that could stop this alliance. Go on, I'll wait
Do you like flat faces?
35 and still on 4channel
We're better than you
Holy shit it's really going down in Ecuador
/ישר/ /ISR/
Is bullying common in your country?
What does Yas Forums think of our langauge?
/manlet cope/
Your cunt
I love white women!
Sverigetråden - Tryck F upplagan
/balk/ - Balkan thread
/polska/ + international friends
Highway to... the DANGER ZOOOOOOOONE
After many hours of research on tinder passport...
Does Yas Forums cook?
One chance at life
Asian woman circa 1600s during portuguese colonization of Macau
How do Turks cope with the fact their country's founder had blonde hair and blue eyes?
Why is korea the only country that produces decent music?
Are nurses respected in your country
Would you marry someone from a different country?
WMAF couples
Post your corona shitpost station
Why do Americans always bring up WW2?
Quran says Muhammad flew to Jerusalem on his magic horse one night. Let's make Jerusalem our holy city
There was a time when people all over the world looked at this continent as the apex of human culture and civilization...
Got 26/66, what about you ?
Have friendly banter with a swede
Ask an Russian Jew living in Germany anything
Does this happen in your country?
/fr/ - Le Francofil
How much credit card debt are you guys in?
Pandemic for another 2 years
Does Italy forgive them?
Why don't women care about our feelings towards our enemies? For example...
Choose a Life + Poll
Ok...now THIS is epic
All these people getting their free money
1. fucking retarded cunt
Post your country's coronavirus score
How can southerners even compete??
How do we convert the whole world to Christianity and subvert all of the false religions
What's the largest pistachio in your country?
Frenchie frens
Show me a more German looking person
Post ITT and I will tell you something I admire about your country, its culture or its history
Do women poop the bed in your country?
Why do Pole have a massive inferiority complex toward Westerners???
What have you learned about the world after browsing Yas Forums?
I am a gay Muslim
The Gauls were nords?
Why Balkans so low iq?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Kurva anyátok
Why do they hate eachother?
Shhh janny sleepi
/ro/: firul nostru
I don't understand why Russians here are hating on Krasnodar. It looks surprisingly nice and clean on street view...
Oh i like it more because its more traditional and beautiful :)
I can't live without women, bros: their scent of perfume and make-up, the way they touch their hair...
Do you want to find love in Belgium?
How comfy do I look in this selfie bros?
/med/ - Mediterranean general
Singapore's gdp per capita is 100k
/ישר/ /ISR/
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2366
Glad we get rid of the cuckstamp flag
1) Your country
Moot started a new life in Japan. Why don't you start a new life abroad, user?
/deutsch/ ab in die /frühschicht/
/esp/ cafelito edition
Congratulations South Korea
What happens here?
/lat/ hilo latino
Do people in your country do this? In the time of a pandemic?
Who do you got?
Does China have their own Jomon vs Yayoi?
From today's march on Michigan
/v4/ + incels
Does your country employ foreign migrant workers to harvest your fruits and vegetables?
What's the most useless fact you can tell me about your country?
Why are chinks so optimistic about their future ?
Twelve hundred
Why do they still keep their cuckstamps?
Ahum, Arabs, can I have your attention please
Pic related is what is called God's Hexagram. It's a holy symbol and can be found in many temples here
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
China to ban online gaming, chatting with foreigners
Is it really over for us, bros?
Do you want to find love in Taiwan?
Where have you been int?
You can only post in here if you have less than 50% wh*Toid blood in you. For me, it's ZERO
Where's he from I forgot
Mutts how does it feel that this virus killed already 10x as many of your citizens as 911?
Feel lonely
Why american do
When will it end? And they're looking to open the country up in 2 weeks
What's the "Alabama" of your country?
Russian Apreciation Thread
Americans who is better Chevrolet or Ford?
Tlust me, im austlalian
Who do you hate more? Indians or Blacks?
Have you ever tried Schnitzel? Did you like it?
/lat/ hilo latino
Why do so many American youtubers seem ethnically ambiguous?
Why is the Japanese language so poor?
Is Indiana the "literally who" of states? Even Wyoming is probably more well known
What cunt is the worse in your experience?
Fact: if you're not from Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Uruguay or USA your opinion on beef is irrelevant
Your cunt?
Thoughts about Turkey (Country)
/fr/ - le francofil francophone
/soygen/ - soyjak general
My OCD is ruining my life. It is holding me from doing anything at all. I'm imprisoned. I want it to GO AWAY
Why they don’t have hygiene?
Moving to Japan
Would you give Scandinavian women a chance?
All memes aside
Why do Russians do this?
I never visited this area and never want to visit it (Latin America)
How to get away with murder
If i don't get laid by 30, i'm gonna hire a prostitute. kinda like a birthday gift to myself. is this a good plan?
A Mexican neighborhood
One (1) singular, unchangeable chance at life
You have to live in one of the top 10 largest metro areas in North America where do you choose ?
/cum/ - canada, usa, mexico
/lat/ - hilo latino
They're building a team
Sverigetråden - Sprängarupplagan
/nachtschicht/ tagsüber /deutsch/
What's the feel of being sexually attractive to someone like?
How do chicanos live with themselves looking like this
What the fuck was their problem?
That'll 1 million quid plus loicense, please
/mex/ + /CHI/
/ita/ il filo
Are you okay, USA?
What has this country contributed except asses and carnival?
What are you learning?
How the hell did THIS become a country?
I would kill 10000 animals just to save one human being
Americans is true that when you turn 18 you must go somewhere and register for a possible draft in case of war?
I'm using this time in isolation to meditate, read up on human nature and increase my health. What about you?
/leaf/ - Canada and friends
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Burning bears theory:
/fr/ - le francofil
Mainlanders pick on us island nations because they are angry and jealous
It's 2020, why aren't you learning Chinese?
/deutsch/ - nachtschicht
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why do people still believe in God?
Why are Amerigans like this?
Holy based
Africa is poor because blacks are dumb
What unique historical distinction do only these three countries hold?
Federal thread
Sverigetråden - Mulattupplagan
Are Yas Forumserracial couples common in your country?
/ita/ il filo
So what type of girls do you usually attract in ur cunt?
Hilo latino /lat/
Tfw indian
Is this true?
Why are gulf arabs so butthurt towards Iranians?
Why do I get hate for being pro-Chinese as a Chinaman?
Are guys only attracted to blonde bimbo stacey types?? What are feminine (think this guy or jungkook) guys into?
Why can't bongs properly navigate balconies
/fr/ - Le Francofil
What is the future of europe?
/mashiro/, ehemals /deutsch/
Indigenous languages
Be American
Literally the only people in North America that have a soul
Half Danish, Half Spanish
Who has the right to claim the Indus Valley civilization, Indians or Pakis?
Fact: if you're not from Italy, France or Switzerland your opinion on cheese is irrelevant
The protestants are slowly taking over the lands of our catholic brethren
WWIII starts
Sverigetråden - VIF
South Korea just had its parliamentary election
This is why Americans are fat
Do you support it?
I've been fapping to Hitomi for well over a decade now
No-Go Zones, your cunty
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
1. cunt
/soygen/ - soyjak general
5 days
/MENA/ clean our streets edition
/fr/ - le francofil
Filo per le lingue romanze
/MENA/ = /Iq/ + /Sy/ + /Tree/ + /Egy/ + /Jo/ + /Gulf/ + /Isr/ + /NA/
I'm feeling suicidal
Post two houses that can represent the houses in your area
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
/deutsch/ am Abend
Are you ready to Covid19 84
Yesterday the Portuguese government had to release people from prison due to COVID-19...
Why are American cities so disgusting? I honestly cannot even fathom living in one of these places...
Funny green froge thread
Do you want your country to crash hard into complete anarchy with all the institutions being dissolved so that...
Is Yas Forums good at chess?
The UK is fucking gone
Ask an icelandic girl(male) anything
Do you love white women
I am mexican AMA
Why does Italy have no friends on Yas Forums? What did they do to deserve?
/ita/ il filo
Do German boys really?
/flag/ + /extraflags/
Is this correct?
Why do Spaniards love fake grass so much?
I hate Capitalism now Yas Forums
Is this country basically Anglo-Germans or German-Anglos?
Are there socially conservative young people in your country?
Are the Dutch basically just Sea-Germans?
Is it true that they smoke weed?
Why do Swedes love spray-tan and solarium so much?
I have a question for every single gaijinsan
Yas Forums in Family Guy style
Ask an italian girl anything
Stop fetishizing Asian girls
/desi/ - fascism edition
What's really the benefit of learning a language other than English?
I'm seriously ready to go to war against these countries
/MENA/ = /Iq/ + /Sy/ + /Tree/ + /Egy/ + /Gulf/ + /Isr/ + /NA/
/cum/ gay catboys edition
Most bullied flag on Yas Forums
Do the French really do this?
Reddit : the country
Why are white women so scared of this?
Why are they so angry/agressive? And what's up with the obsession over Britain?
Sverigetråden - bsrupplagan
Does France love your country?
/fr/ - le francofil
You may only post ITT if your name has Hebrew origins
Bro just go to the gym
Remember when it used to be a superpower? What is it now? America's bitch?
This is the average 19 year old American
What are cops like in your cunt?
Is it true that Finnish children are forced to learn Swedish at school?
Which boo are you? for me it's Ouiaboo
/ita/ il filo
/soygen/ - soyjak general
/lat/ - Hilo Latino
ITT only dark humor and fucked up memes
Wtf is a tutorial country and why do I see it on Yas Forums a lot now
I got my stimulus Trumpbux
International comics thread, allowed :
Year 2020
European Unity
Has anyone noticed that international opinion on Americans seems to be plummeting?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Do they both have ayy lmao genes? Why do they look like ayys?
/dixie/ - Southern US and Friends
Being 176cm is fucking torture every zoomer is like 182cm at least
Les Français sont ils supérieurs par rapport aux Belges ?
Bootleg italy
Choose a life
/ro/ - Firul nostru
Give me a reason why you haven't learned German yet
Post police cars from your cunt
Is this Northern Han girl phenotype common in ur cunt?
Why hasnt pewds saved the white race yet?
I have to use drugs to cope with my 166cm height IT'S OVER
Do Americans really
1. Your cunt
/fr/ - francofil francophone
You can call me Kouchan
Do people have tattoos in your cunt?
/desi/- lockdown continues
What's the most famous mythical creature/cryptid in your country?
Do you like France?
Why do they have such a hard time learning english, I thought they were supposed to be smart?
Who would win if they went to war with each other right now?
This is the best invention of Nihonjin. This and the rice cooker. We lowly gaijins are forever indebted
When did you realise that you don't actually exist?
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Why are amerikans
Is this the best place in Mexico?
/MENA/ - /مينا/
I learned in school that he starved millions of Indians because he was mad that Ghandi was rallying India for...
Why do people hate it?
Would you eat arabs?
1. ur cunt
How do we stop racism against innocent Chinese people?
/sino/ - 中文
/esp/+/cat/+/penebonito/ Edción Felipe en triciclo
European Army when?
How do people dance in your country
Kurva anyátok
Napoleon is Italian not French
Your opinion on Israeli girls?
This is what I imagined my future is going to be like when I was a child
Going on dates
/COOM/ better known as /med/
Did the Cold War completely mindfuck Americans, or something...
You ever notice that it's always the tutorial countries that say money doesn't make you happy?
Can i get a blonde daughter if i marry a European woman?
/v4/ + friends
What kind of pests do you have in your city?
Is there hope for our Subsaharyan brethren afterall?
/lat/ hilo latino
Do americans know the concept of privacy?
What race is this?
/ita/ - il filo
What's the best hair type?
Last threads
/smg/ - Stock Market General Thread
Elon Musk has gone insane, and has started shilling cryptocois. Not trustworthy...
Armed Citizens STORM MICHIGAN CAPITOL, Invade Congressional Offices (POLICE STAND DOWN)
Fb fap continued
Tokyo Ghoul: re Volume 8 Storytime
This is a 10/10 in Bongland
Celeb thread
If a "hero" kills a villain, then he's not a hero, he's just another villain
Television and Movies
Video Games
Right-wing cringe thread
Animal Crossing
Video Games
Did you ever find your Ramona Flowers?
Television and Movies
Is it frowned upon in your culture to use damaged goods?
Three Seas Initiative
Has there ever been any proof that there are paid Jewish shills on here making shitposts and slide threads beyond...
This is why the world is ruined
One piece