
green edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


Attaching a 5G mast to my bollocks lads


a meeting of minds


We are better than you.

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mental how youtube stuck this at the top of my recommendations this morning even though I've never watched a top gear/boris johnson video on there
it's almost like programming innit

remember when I cropped this hog's face and made a world-famous reaction image.

Still waiting on my royalty payments

mad there's a genuine schizo in these threads.

What's the problem, people talk about drinking why not some harmless weed

my strain smells like chocolate orange

>Tories fuck up, pubs will be closed months longer now

>The medless rorke rambling about antibody tests as if this somehow excuses the UK governments fuckup when every other first world government handled it better and does not need antibody tests to confirm Recovery

sign language is fascinating


kek this is me

mad there's a genuine JIDF memeber in these threads.

how's college going mate?

Who gives a fuck about pubs, are you a 60 year old caravan owner

if you have a look at the first few comments from the last week they all have several thousands likes, so looks like youtube recommended to loads of people at once

*gives you the two finger salute*

aha yes it is x

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There's more than one

>mostly only old people and immigrants dying
>economy not in complete collapse compared to the rest of the world
>can still go out to the pub and basically anywhere without problems

Feels good mogging on the rest of the world. Sweden's going to be purified shortly without too much economic damage, and be even stronger with less immigrants and old fucks leeching pension.


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>tfw still toiling in the office as usual 8-4
Yet nobody claps for me

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i'm taking 3 weeks off the alcohol

Prescott was based

yeah like I said, programming

qt nurse.

holy shit it's Thursday

need to prep this week's klaxons and fireworks

so did I
I have a suspicion that it is because we both probably watch other linked videos on here

e s s e n t i a l

Can smell this post

laura koonigsberg is fit as fuck

>Who gives a fuck about pubs, are you a 60 year old caravan owner
hello tarq bender

Not only that mate, they ran a fake campaign claiming that Boris was infected with Coronavirus, all to boost his popularity

ah yes, the satanic elite are going to microchip everyone and control the world with VR. good job they invented the internet and social media so all the brave freedom fighters could figure out their plan.

nah, they mass recommend videos to people to push propaganda

it's almost 6PM

you're @ home now no?

the daily constitutional

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I just realised some people don't have a garden so they literally can't go outside

My condolences

rorke calling upon his latent schizophrenia, the superpower of the norf

got tons of chocolate, beer and crisps but without footie it's all shit

What's this about the Sweden health minister?

didn't drink this week, going to pick up two bottles tomorrow to reward myself

Well it's aerospace and what I do is pretty important but still, nobody is fucking flying AAAAAAHHHHH

*checks calendar*
ah yes, 114th consecutive day on the booze

Trying to setup my psvr on my pc. Have currently about 3 different programs installed and about a million wires coming from my pc.

this but unironically

>tfw been getting high everyday since 20th March because of lockdown

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got one but never use it

He's a right wing extremist and didn't close down because he knew that minorities would be most impacted

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The Londoners lament

hello JIDF
it's almost like there's no evidence that's on full display or something
satanists like to brag about their plans in broad daylight and most people are too dumb to pick it up

Yes but I just want to chill at home and read and play games and shitpost on here
Sick to bastard death of working 35-40 hour weeks
Keynes said we'd be working 15 hours by 2030, that is more than feasible, 25 hours is doable already

i took 10 days off then caved in last wednesday
fresh start today
every day we above ground is a great day

He's a based motherfucker who's wanting all the oldies and immigrants lacking in vitamin D to die.

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Not seen you in a couple of days. Glad you're staying consistent through all this.

dude AI and WEED lol


Well, maybe not FAF but attractive in an middle aged career woman kind of way.


Mark > Luke/Acts > Matthew > John

such a brave freedom fighter. the global elite are no much for the combined minds of your facebook and whatspp groups.

Dad's decided to turn the garden into a small farm, nothing but dirt now

the people ruling over you

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and you are his swine

The Australian who is learning Welsh is based
The French PC gamer is based

don't you all have a 4ft x 4ft stone wall courtyard in front of your doors?

the punch sound effects in the Sopranos are really exaggerated

5g done me nan in

machines were supposed to set us free from toil, but toilberg decided we'd have to compete with them
we need a new revolution

might take a week off, i'm perpetually dehydrated and sleeping like shit

make your bait less obvious lad

wait its only been 3 weeks?, fuck sake it feels like its been atleast a month a half, Hancock can suck mines

you're seething because I know about your plans shlomo

genuinely need to do 500 words of essay by next Wednesday and it's stressing me out

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i just realized you literally aren't allowed to go out and meet up with people

i'm sorry

Got one but all the neighbours try to start conversations with me whenever I'm in it so don't bother

need a poster of this

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the london phenotype

Is there any evidence of this? I can't even find the guys name

Do you not have a fence

Got a 10ft one here and I have never met the neighbours

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got into a street fight once and accidentally let a couple punching noises out of my mouth. embarrassing shit

yes that's right. you've outed our global conspiracy. how dumb are we for letting you watch all those youtube videos and reading all those facebook posts? next time we'll be smarter about it!


*stumbles upon a prepper-tier stash of untaken meds*

Yes lad. Problem is a lot of places are stuck in the 1950s. You wouldn't believe how much paper some toil companies use.

this is up there with homer's odyssey

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comfy tune

probably for the best mate. Hope you feel better

*cocks hammer behind you and bends you over*

Now you're in lockdown with me my lover

it's all about marketing I'm sure you know
dress anything up the right way and the normies will flock to it like sheep even if it kills them

what part of england is this man from