Let me guess

Let me guess
You love me, huh?

Why do you love me so much gaijinsan ?
Tell me the reason

Attached: image.jpg (480x480, 27.36K)

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I only love anime, you are not anime, so I don't love you, nihonjin-kun.

Attached: simulacra_and_simulations_and_anime_enlightenment.jpg (535x960, 38.07K)

>he thinks anybody loves him

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You don't have the right to reject it

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stop spamming you fucking retard

2D porn and animation, beautiful language and cute feminine looking women.

Your fat i will never love you.

Attached: 1586710815032.jpg (1062x507, 152.46K)

>95kg japanese boy
gibe now

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Drop it off here and you souls not use it again

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i fuck japanese girls

Attached: wow tifa.png (545x384, 417.03K)

Dam, he must be morbidly obese by Japanese standards. For here, he would be a skinny manket

But I'm standard desu compared to gaijinsan

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because you're a based anime poster

I'm not so based, right?

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I love Japan-Chan because Japan-Chan makes based posts. But does Japan-Chan love Suomi?

I want to fuck Japan

You, Me
We are frens now . This is not a choice .

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hey Japan this is what you actually look like

I hope every coomer and weeb here kills themself or dies a painful death.

Forget the pic and just look at me please

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Your not.

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when this corona thing ends hit the gym fat retard

Hit the gym fag. or are you one of those traps?

I love Suomi from toe to head
Needless to say

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>No problem
>I have own gym room I built

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Lies you jap. post proof.

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Why do I say lie ?
I'm living at home
So to build the room is easy

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I'll preface this by saying I know nothing of Japanese language and that I know this is a bait post, but... Isn't gaijin slightly disrespectful but san isn't? Like if I were to call a black guy Mr. Nigger. It doesn't make much sense

Today is too late I don't want to get out of my room

I'll show you tomorrow or day after Tomorrow

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>Mr. Nigger
kek that sounds funny

See? pure lies.

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Sorry but let me make this clear
I don't call you with bad faith
So can I call you my love?

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I like your posts but all your images are so low quality

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i love him because hes so funny to make fun of because hes fat.


Today is not
But I don't lie I swear to my honesy
Trust me please

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Dum Sataniabrevare

But I must be standard according to worldwide line I guess
In jap yes I'm overweight but ...

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fuck off loser

Because you produce good escapist media which helps me cope with the unbearable tragedy and boredom that is real life

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curious, How did you get fat in japan?

Cope harder.

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Become big, conquer the world

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sushi desu