Bro just go to the gym

>bro just go to the gym
>bro just shave your head
>bro just take a shower
>bro just grow a beard
>bro just go outside and get some sun
>bro just stop giving a fuck, be confident, be tough, the pussy will come crawling to you

Yikes. It looks like Chad's advice was bullshit. I guess not everyone has a chance. Some guys are just screwed. Why do we keep lying to ugly people and telling them they have a chance? Is it to keep them from snapping and going on shooting sprees?

Attached: justliftbro.jpg (2358x4192, 1.99M)

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>bro just go outside and get some sun
he didnt do that

damn didnt know lars was Yas Forums

Ha ha conehead!!!!!

who told that guy to grow a beard?
have a personality and grab yourself a girl of similar or shorter height.

If he bulked up a bit he would look chad, he's too small to be that lean bro

ugly people have a chance with ugly people.
with average or beautiful people, they don't.
as it should be.

chads cant accept that their achievements are not earned but the results of their genetics and socio-economic environment and they are simply lucky. their whole world view is a result of this

>>bro just go to the gym
>>bro just shave your head
>>bro just take a shower
>>bro just grow a beard
>>bro just go outside and get some sun
>>bro just stop giving a fuck, be confident, be tough, the pussy will come crawling to you
more or less yes

I mean, personal hygiene and working out is good either way.
I feel 100x better now than before and all I do is yoga and crossfit. That alone is a big confidence booster.

Attached: 2018-2019.jpg (752x1173, 439.84K)

Weird cone skull aside, that guy's pose is cringy as fuck. You can read the desperation off his body language. The very act of posing like that, with his fists clenched, shows off his insecurity.

>just stop giving a fuck, be confident
Obviously didn't take that advice.

why cant n*rth*rn **r**p**ns grow beards?

>n*rth*rn **r**p**ns
Are you retarded?


Even fat girls only want chad now and they can have him now thanks to social media. This is what the average girl's phone looks like. Even the fat ugly ones.

Attached: female loneliness.jpg (960x934, 88.22K)

haha based post, I know a dude that's easily an 9/10 and he dates some ugly short fat skank

I am convinced that a better body is a good step, but it's just not the endsolution. If you don't have interesting activities going on you'll still be a passionless, boring dork.

>yoga and crossfit

Attached: heeh.jpg (396x385, 31.29K)

Better than just lifting. Much better.

hes too skinny

hes probably a manlet like u

He forgot to buy boots

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At least he is white
Imagine he was midget mongo fucker

It used to be that ugliness was a disadvantage, but you could almost always find a woman in your league to be with and satisfy your base needs. Nowadays ugliness is a death sentence due to hypergamy, and society needs to lie to ugly men to prevent them from snapping.

>but but i know this one ugly guy who gets laid!!! ur just mad because you refuse to improve yourself!!!! yes thats it!!! it must be!!!!

Attached: chad dating profile.jpg (860x1200, 136.9K)

Did you even read my post retard?

he was agreeing with you.fucking autist

well i guess he would have had a better chance if he was a 400lb balding, smelly baby faced, pale loser huh

he is not even handsome. girls are srs idiot. if you have slim cheeks like auschwitz victims they love you. and it's easy to get those kinda cheeks with surgery. (costs 1k usd in turkey)

i've read something interesting once. Long time ago, people converted to monotheism because it was monogamy over hypergamy. Now since religion doesn't exist as much as before, many people are left over. Anyway most people don't experience real love with their partner because this hypergamy thing fucks everything