/ro/: firul nostru

Editia Serboromaniei

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Toata lumea doarme. Ce tristi sunteti

Serios acuma este ora 12

Adriana minune

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Every single day I wonder why God even created them. They're like a single biggest argument against intelligent design.

Oh and they look like this. These things aren't even human.

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i never interacted with one, but who knows, they might be cool, dont be so hateful Laszlo

valeleu ce aberatie de steag, imi vine sa dau la rate
hnnnng cur de tiganca

youre just jealous of his well defined brow ridge and jaw. you cant compete with that miklos

I've interacted with many of them, and overall I really wouldn't recommend it.
I don't want to compete with Cromagnons.

what was wrong with your interactions with them?

Balkanoid DNA is related to the J group, cousins to the Js of scandinavia. Tens of thousands of years in Europe before the coming of R steppechads. Related to the Vinca culture and palaolithic/neolithic huntergatherer proto-farmers from the middle east.


you meant to sa yI group, right?
everything else you said is correct though, look at this neolithic relic found in the banks of the danube in romania

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Gata m-am sculat.


Are si pieptu mare

si fata de cartof fiert hahaha

Sorasa arata mai bine

Arată de parcpă se fute cu români

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dupa fata mi-am dat seama ca-i tiganca borata, nici nu i-am citit numele
well, ill take your word for it

Sunt treaz de la 7 jumate

E posibil

hnnnnnng, vreau sa fac 3 copii cu ea

Adoleșcența mea

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Adolescența mea

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bag pula-n serbia, kosovo e albania

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Attached: Garda Gramaticii de fier.jpg (227x222, 9.78K)

Neata! Ce mai faceti?

O prietenă de-a mea e pe jumate țigancă și are un cur similar.
Fizionomia feței e similară, dar mult mai albă.