Africa is poor because blacks are dumb

>Africa is poor because blacks are dumb
>less than 9% of all IMF loans goes to the thirld world
>there wasn't a marshall plan for africa
>western companies never gave a fuck about developing africa rather than just stealing their resources
>european nations still imposse huge taxation on african nations (reparations)

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You're right, but you're also about to be bombarded with infographics and emotional appeals about muh Rhodesia by the resident stormfags.

Attached: africa aid.png (570x494, 259.16K)

Maybe Africa has a justification, but in Latin America we are stupid, Brazil will complete 200 years of independence in 2022 and remains fucked kek

>let's ignore african nations have been under corrupt socialists dictatorships and civil war all this time

oh no no no

well whos fault is this

imagine if muslims put both france and geramany tribes under the same nation and they started to make you hate each other and later left the place like this.

eventually you fall into civil war between french and germans and the muslims wonder if you were able to be civilized.

ok and? that's their fault. stop blaming foreigners.
did you even read the article?
it basically said that Mozambique was given endless amount of aid, but is still poor.
>Following a blueprint laid out and orchestrated by the United Nations, the World Bank, and others, the country settled millions of refugees, improved its roads, distributed seeds and basic tools to farmers, built new schools and health clinics, and set up a new financial system, including the first central bank in its history. It privatized state-owned businesses, promoted special free-trade zones to encourage export industries, and got rid of price controls.

>The reconstruction of Mozambique has already lasted twice as long as the Marshall Plan, and the country is still poor.

your african iq is showing.

>inb4 white racist
I'm korean.

you're a nigger that thinks that giving free stuff to people that doesn't want to do that shit is a good idea.

kys retard.

I doubt the french and germans would slash entire villages, train child soldiers, cannibalize their enemies, rape, and so on, especially in 2020.
yet that's a thing in africa.
and no, I don't believe in giving aid to Africans. I think they naturally have a low IQ and violent tendencies.

Just compare Hiroshima to Detroit.

>missing the point that bad

because africa is very much like europe back in 1890, they're still a very much conservative nation.

You can't compare secular western shitholes with countries that are still rural and live under the same cultural conditions europeans live centuries ago.

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how did I miss the point, my melanated friend?
>2020 Africa is Europe in 1890
loooool thanks for proving my point.
>they're still a very much conservative nation.
No they're not. they have high rates of prostitution, and having children out of wedlock. The only conservative parts of Africa are the muslim majority parts.

hate niggers me

shut the fuck up retard.

look at this.

Attached: Culture_Map_2017_conclusive.png (2896x2271, 1.47M)

Kek as the other user mentions, Japan had two cities nuked out of existence and their people actually IMPROVED it when they built again
Likewise Spain and Portugal, dominated for so long by the fabled Muslims in your “hypothetical”, were able to sort out borders and not modify them for centuries now.
Africa is full of potential, I can not pretend to know why it’s full of barbaric acts but it simply is. Honestly hope they get it together, for the sake of their children’s futures if nothing else

How can local farmers compete with free food that the retard europeans give them?

Pretty cluster.
>Philippines under “Latin America”
Pick one brew

philipphines core beliefs are from the catholic church retard.

>look at this graph!
nope, I disagree.
The only conservative black african non-muslim countries they listed are
>burkina faso
>south africa
Save for Ethiopia, none of those counties are conservative. Children are constantly born out of wedlock, aids is rampant due to people have unprotected sex with each other, etc etc etc.
Korea is a perfect example of a secular, conservative country.
Africans just larp as Christians while they mix in voodoo and have 10 kids with 10 different fathers.

>retard can't understand you can be extremelly traditional that follows diferent customs to european traditions because you're another civilization

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and no, the reason why they're so low IQ and poor is because they don't have normal family structures like in europe/asia/new world.
>african tradtion is different than european tradition, stop judging them because they have children out of wedlock and are sexually promiscuous.
uh nah, I'll continue to judge them.

>you're also about to be bombarded with infographics
It's called propaganda

So basically anything that isn't full pro LGBTI european pro inmigration full marxism full anti capitalism anti fa, full pro racemixing, full pro trans rights and giving kids an education that isn't decontruction of gender roles and full marxist liberal indoctrination anti white education is now a tribal barbaric no civilization?

Attached: 1520531495220.jpg (1387x702, 85.18K)

africa was more developed during colonial times than it is now

but multiculturalism is good?

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multiculturalism is marxist garbage.

the clusters are pretty loose
theres malta in the latin american one, malaysia in the african islamic too

when did I say LGBT and Europeans were conservative? Although, I'd argue the average European is more "trad" than the average African.
>rmore Yas Forums buzzwords in a long run on sentence
What are you even trying to argue? That Africans who rape and murder each other, and have children out of wedlock are conservative and high IQ?
What are you even trying to say at this point? Your slave heritage is shining through right now.
If Africans are just great people, why do they immigrate to places like Paris and Guangzhou and absolutely fuck it up? Why do you think the Chinese are evicting and deporting them by the hundreds, thousands right now?

money spent by NGOs is not comparable to what the Marshall Plan was.

europeans are among the lest traditional and most progressive homosexuals on the planet, faggot.

money is money, and they still fucked up despite being given aid.
I'm not going to shill for Europeans, since I'm korean, but I have seen both places first hand. Europeans have family values, whereas most African women don't know who fathered their children, as they run around with AIDS in tin shacks.
The east asian will inherit the earth. we will not give blacks a pass to waste land and be subhumans.

africans are mostly polygamous.

but they're still very traditional.

africans are not traditional, stop lying.
what is the baseline? Tranny Swedes?
Fine, compare Africans to Koreans. Korean girls are more trad compared to African girls.
And smarter, too.