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Fuck swedes


Attached: 1584551771509.jpg (1200x1200, 378.95K)

i for one welcome our new viking overlords


Attached: soyboymad2.jpg (1080x1020, 71.68K)

Irlandska asfaltlaggare

went to gotland once


Based Germany reopening schools and some businesses.


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Attached: If+old+was+a+country+it+would+be+sweden+_39a013b036e57260a8f30a0f8e059e8e.jpg (708x738, 188.45K)

Wonder why nobody tried making cured fish meat


Attached: 1586720799420.png (1280x1280, 927.68K)

alri lads

Normaloids on facebook going crazy over this shite


Loooool this wh*te boi acting road

Gets merked by his dad

Saying he gonna cut up n tha

Yutes these days hahahahahahahahah

Merked man

>Yas Forums memes

did these swedes get triggered by that old post??

cant remember the last time I was in sweden lads

storbrittanien ett bögregister

Attached: 1445747070049.jpg (334x400, 45.79K)

Have any of you ever met a swede. I have literally bluffed Swedish policemen multiple times and they walk around with handguns on their hips. Fucking state of Swedish men

I wish I was a German. Merkel is so based compared to our cucked government.

do not reply to the swedes under any circumstances

Mates....what do I do now

sorry I will post comfy Yas Forums memes

Attached: 1559920895876.png (1136x1012, 910.75K)

>did these swedes get triggered by that old post??

Attached: 1586348790112.png (950x900, 138.17K)

>other thread still on page 6
ya dun goofed
The fastest janman in the west is bound here, and ya ain't gon like it

might be dangerous
bacteria, ageing and fish dont really mix


your gf is very cute here is mine

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I've never met an Irish traveller gypsy in my life. Do they actually exist or are they an Anglo myth made up specifically as a reason to oppress Irish people?

went to malmo once, it was mediocre


Attached: svenberto barbosasson.png (269x390, 222.66K)

The only white men in this country that cut and shoot are travellers. It’s that simple. Probably wasn’t like that always but that’s the way it is now

Fancy a shag wif me mum

>do not reply to the swedes under any circumstances

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I had a friend who had a Swedish gf. We went to a normal beach and she got naked in front of all his mates. I reckon he felt a bit cucked but he didn't say anything to her.

use the promo code EpsteinIsNotGuilty to get 20% off your paedo elite membership

any of you gayboys wanna suck my dick

My dad said she retired

they do exist go search for them on youtube they are subhumans imagine romanian gypsies but somehow worse

loathe nhs workers

big fan of biltong but not a fan at all of how expensive it is, difficult to get it for

>any of you gayboys wanna suck my dick

Attached: 1583777826667.jpg (988x1059, 148.45K)

>do not reply to the swedes under any circumstances

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Attached: bill.jpg (345x252, 10.88K)


Hi Swedes

most of the gypos here are romanian

post memes you gay swedes

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another quality OP thanks to our essential full time volunteer worker

>cute British boys on my island


Attached: 1526423060520.png (1440x1557, 738.14K)

saw a swedish man once

Swedes are just salty that Irish travellers rape their country every summer


No wonder the Irish starved if they can't even salt a fucking fish lmaooooooooo

Attached: how-to-make-salt-cod.jpg (600x824, 198.71K)

>post memes you gay swedes

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Ever noticed on wikipedia how smelly Finns always cram in "and Binland too" in all articles about Sweden


Attached: waaaghdal.jpg (1600x1000, 1.06M)

Yes it was my fault i should not have touched the archives sorry

alri chris

donate to my patreon

Attached: benga.png (1024x646, 561.94K)

>post memes you gay swedes

Attached: 1586687373831.jpg (1080x1080, 244.44K)

Holy fuck, didn't think a people could be worse than the Romani. One of those guys once nicked a friend of mine's Laptop to buy speed. A group once tried to lure me away with the promise of me buying beer so they could rob me. They are shit.

wish they could map the whole of google maps into a gta game

what did sweden mean by this

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Any bobos ITT?

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This could be us but you playing

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How big are your willies? 14cm here. Not feeling great




often found Swedes to be extremely arrogant, that might just be Stockholm though

thanks lad x

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Attached: SzE9Ywp.jpg (640x3600, 738.77K)

Damn, that sucks bro, keeping you in my prayers.

you ever need to take a shit but cba getting up to go?
me all the time

I just touched my dick after eating hot wings and now it feels like its melting off lads.

Attached: 1586917235420.jpg (1760x1320, 271.12K)

>best Emma will never beat you
why live


Attached: benga3.jpg (783x806, 221.12K)

transferring body heat from the ballsack to the tissue

>often found Swedes to be extremely arrogant, that might just be Stockholm though

Attached: 1585300535151.jpg (600x594, 99.3K)

Was a Swedish lad in our secondary school.
His name was Sven, shockingly, but he told us we should call him Anders, his middle name, because Sven just meant son of in Swedish.
Strange dude. We called him tranny lesbo. Used to do things like correct the teachers grammar and punctuation in class and take creepshots of girls with his phone.

Attached: 1569846511646.webm (640x854, 1.67M)

a bit under 5 inches
not great but wont ever use it anyway

app app app, inte så fort. du måste vänta med att breva tills mitt kaffis är slut

Attached: kaffis.png (887x428, 239.48K)

don't know who Chris is 2bh, is that one of the South Africans?

I wish the Swedes would reply to me.

>often found Swedes to be extremely arrogant

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