Anons who live with your parents

>What do you do in your free time?

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shitposting, study languages, video games, movies, errands/chores for family members. living the life desu.

>Dropped out of university, full time job in IT as an engineer
>definitely not masturbating loudly

where is this art from? looks ultra comfy.

Video games, anime and manga, masturbating and shitposting

officially student but de facto NEET
>>What do you do in your free time?
Yas Forums, exercising, listening to music and watching Youtube
thinking about becoming a nurse since I can't get myself to study for university and it would enable me to rent an apartment instead of living with my parents or shitty shared flats

I sometimes wish I was a NEET, I'm stuck in a dead-end job
Reading (mostly history and theology), shitposting, sometimes being serious on /his/, a bit of workout, more rarely seing friends

I know eurofaggots make fun of us for this but I cannot understand how anyone would be willing to live with their parents any longer than they have to. I moved out as soon as I finished high school

>What do you do in your free time?
nothing special

Why would I leave my home?

i cannot understand how would anyone want to live away when they could have other people pay stuff, clean and cook for them

I found it on google and cropped out the name. Apparently by lordshadow on devianart.

I dont get it either. A small apartment for myself would be the dream.

In two weeks it will be the one year anniversary since I became a NEET
Workout, read, study for my CFA that I was supposed to write in June but got pushed back because of coronavirus

what'd you study in uni? any field related experience?

>I moved out as soon as I finished high school

Where did you move out? Did you have roommates? How did you make a living?


I left home when I was 18 and I certainly don't regret it, but with the rental market being such a rip off here I can understand why many people would prefer some sort of stability.

>clean and cook for them

you sound like a spoiled kid desu

What Province? Here in Southern Ontario many live with their parents.

I worked part-time in a warehouse during highschool, so when I graduated I started working there full-time. Initially I did not have roommates because I lucked in to an extremely cheap bachelor apartment. Eventually a kike bought the property and raised my rent to something that I was unwilling to pay, so I found some roommates and got a new place. I don't like roommates but it is still better than living with parents.

play vidya, workout, study duolingo/physics/math, watch youtube or anime. will be moving out in the fall for grad school

>No, student
>Sports, reading, uni stuff, eating, sleeping, internet

I'd like to move out soon, but it's not easy finding a flat. Our house is relatively close to the uni as well.

-No, only unemployed
-I study from 4 to 12 hrs a day by my own. I used to lift but corona fucked my gains.
Now I only read schizo shit, terror and classic literature; this is not counted on my studying sessions.

wasting my life

I'm originally from Newfoundland so this is where I was living when I first moved out on my own. I live in Southern Ontario now. Rent is not that bad outside of Toronto, it's pretty much the same as in Newfoundland except wages here are higher.

The big cities in leafland are way too expensive to rent on a full time starting salary. Especially the jobs you would get straight out of highschool

25, turning 26 soon
No, i finished school and have a job

pirating games,watching streams,watching movies online

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>Nah I’m in community college

nothing, my parents are conservative and i have to share my room with my zoomer cousin, so i have no freedom or privacy.