Glad we get rid of the cuckstamp flag

glad we get rid of the cuckstamp flag

Attached: Flag_of_the_Federated_Malay_States_(Civil_Ensign).svg.png (1024x683, 30.86K)

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now you get islamic crescent cuckstamp instead lmao

now you have muslim american flag

say the one who has crescent cuckstamp flag

Brit don't approve the original flag due of muh communism

Attached: 24955390_1778830082159433_8511554200067647055_o.jpg (1200x900, 196.14K)

You removed the single greatest flag in the world from the corner of your own flag just to replace it with some muslim shit
Now that's what a "cuckstamp" should really mean


not a single arab country has the crescent
it's an ottoman symbol

Only non-Arabs carry the stamp of submission.

seething Anglo

Why you decided a flag so blatantly copied from the American flag?

An upgrade of you ask me desu.

could anyone elaborate? I mean I don't know anything about what's going on here. What's that flag, who made it, who decides what goes and what stays etc.

yep you're right
we are KARA BOGA country

Attached: 16836538_10206296192243319_3119688322223175297_o.jpg (1537x1125, 174.9K)

>get rid of a brit flag for a US flag


Attached: 407587_20140501032732.jpg (563x1024, 107.71K)

ok TKI
how was your Arab master treating you

Your country is Spanish clay.

cheers mate


I thought it was german, polish and biritsh flags combined into one

Tunisia, Algeria, Libya, Mauritania.

you really want to see seething aussies dont you?

I like Malaysia’s flag

They already did
See "Liberal Upper Middle Class Malay Starterpack"

Attached: ZVOn8bI.jpg (2560x2560, 795.46K)

berber nations

Part of the "Arab league"

Ugh… what could have been had we not been been given deprived of proper representation in parliament, let us pass our own laws, garrisoned troops here in peace without consent, demanded colonists to provide food and shelter to soldiers, defended Redcoats from justice after murdering colonists, banned us from trading with other colonies, prevented us from having trial by jury of our equals, tried us overseas, declared us outside of the crown's protection, employed G*rman mercenaries against us, and impressed all Americans captured at sea whether combatants or not…

Attached: replica-Grand-Union-Flag-San-Francisco-City.jpg (1600x1452, 259.72K)

The colonies wanted to stay under Great Britain at first, but the King declared every colonist outside of the realm and started enslaving citizens, along with some of the above things, so that changed.

Waaah waaah waaah we gotta chimp out and throw away good tea

so is somalia dumb turk

red and white stripes is still british legacy though
>inb4 you are le cuckstamp flag, yes I know

>please enslave and deprive us of our rights, George!!

Your point being what exactly?

that league affiliations don't mean shit. unbelievable that i have to spell it out to your 70iq turk ass
hungary is part of the turkic union, retard

Somalia is arab-speaking country with a muslim majority.

Don’t get your revolutionary history from watching The Patriot