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hate going to nightclubs

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The unpaid one? not scared of that wanker

t. Final Fantasy playing giga virgin

bloody ell

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imagine thinking the lads were bragging about quickscoping each other in private lobbies instead of quickscoping in pubs lmao

Bit jealous of how well normans have adapted to things

got over 140 games i want to play
over 400 books to read
over 1500 films to watch
over 25 tv shows to watch

could literally never run out lads
i'm restraining myself now though and refusing to add any more stuff until the backlogs are cleared
will probably take me until 2028 but ah well

is cod the one with the guns? i think somebody told me about it while we were playing viva pinata

used to play goldeneye with a lad who knew all the spawn points on the facility and insisted on playing licence to kill. cunt would shoot you then run to the next spawn point and kill you as soon as you appeared. then run to the next one and do it again. hated playing with that lad.

Pro coomer here

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no guns are iligal arent they

I only recall the sweaty virgins being into quick scoping

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>watch a video of GTA 4 online
It's people having fun, testing the game, being skillful. laughing, joking, generally makes me want to go back to the game

>watch a video of COD MW online
It's people just running around shooting each other and acting like pissy kids whne they die first

hmmmmm really activated my killstreak care package.....

For me, it’s 837 books, 2843 films and 125 TV shows.


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>Yeah, no.

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tac-knife with marathon/lightweight/commando was the chad move

for me? conquest on bad company 2 vietnam operation hastings with the m16

>he didn’t have enough mates in school to make private lobbies

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far more fun as well

for me?

WaW: G43 or k98K with iron sights
CoD4: M40A3
MW2: Intervention

other cod games weren't worth playing. Don't @ me

tv rots your brain

>you need more mates for S&D quickscopes than zombies in CoD4
ask me how I know he had no friends during cod4 lol

alarming lack of india here

not into games lad?

why don’t you go and pay them a subscription and donation for a shout out you virgin freak


when your mate chooses oddjob

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anyone seen monica lads? thread is shit without a cute girl about

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I use a lot to make poo hammocks

no COD games were ever worth playing. it's a boring format. you just run around shooting each other non stop it's fucking easy and requires no skill and no thought. Its not even fun to compete in. you just get the nuke and thats the end. fucking snooooze

Beyond grim
Cannot fathom being in a long term relationship with someone without the option of starting a family

you're a philistine, shut the fuck up with your inane lists of things you'll never do. It's not impressive.

cod4: rpd
waw: ppsh
mw2: scar

simple as

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big fan of shiny anime slags ngl

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im a motherfuckin P I M P

WaW snipers with iron sight is probably the most fun and satisfying gun to use in any video game

utter state

I am doing it though lad. Have watched over 100 films and read 19 books already this year. My brain is pulsating with culture.

Was always a SCAR-H man myself, cheapest gun in the game but I didn’t give a fuck
Also used the MP-40 in world at war lmao

got dat damn muddafuggen coonvirus

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i'm all for letting them remove themselves from the gene pool so they can get epic internet points and refer to human beings online as crotchfruit

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If you didn't stay up all night with your mates making custom wrestlers in whatever the dogshit wrestling game of the year was...

was WaW underrated?

>US as sharters in chief
>germany as meticulous poo inspectors
>india conspicuously absent
great image

Arisaka was the best gun.

you're weak

cunt move that. was a siberian special forces man myself.

For me
Cod4: AK-74u
Waw: FG-42
MW2: M4A1

1 v 1 on rust kiddo

there was no guns in viva pinata

do you plan on stopping this when the 'rona lockdown ends?

reckon we should kill off the middle class

Just saw minoxidil in the store and was really tempted to get some... I do have a shit beard...

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viva pinata was a guilty pleasure

>He was a spray-fag

*does a one year stint in the saudi and makes $325k after tax*

those sandniggers aren't so bad after all

>jesus /brit/ died only 1 post per every couple minutes
>old brit thread
im such a doofus

last game i played was quake 3

Massively, easily the best CoD game

yeah not in irl either cos its illegal unless your military


aurgh the booj... wegassa clatter the booj

what kind of work makes you that? is it hard graft

YES i'm a newfag
YES i'm a reddit tourist
YES i'm a phoneposter
NO i will not apologise for it

gun go pew

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seeing as this is the gamer edition of /brit/, is CS:GO any good or is it just a meme?

unless his military what??

i thought i was the only one who played with iron sight bolt actions. i used to be fucking lethal. kar90k was peak but i used arisaka a lot because it unlocked earlier i think. and springfield had dodgy sights if i remember correctly

alf stop mate dont do it

>Waw: FG-42

lol he's been doing it for three months so i doubt it

used to dominate with the m4a4 in cod4


Springfield was shite in general

for me it’s:

COD4: M40A3
WaW: MP40 juggernaut
Mw2: Intervention FMJ Fall Camo, Gold Desert Eagle mod attained from hacked challenge lobby, Slight of hand Pro, Stopping Power Pro, Ninja Pro (because me and my mates all had turtlebeach x41s at this point) throwing knife, stun grenade, painkiller

for me, its the UMP45

*walks into the thread spraying from the hip with Stopping Power on*

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listening to some /brit/ish music

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If you didn’t spend an all-nighter playing halo co op on legendary

>MP40 juggernaut
imagine my surprise

it's alright, i enjoy the longer matches
don't know what the community's like nowadays though

Can't imagine playing it, coming up against all the turbo autists that have been going at it for a decade

Used to play a lot of Red Orchestra

do you like one note twitch reaction shooters? If yes then its the game for you. It's literally just the same as COD

*goes feral*

Delete this
Ppsh chads rise up

>WaW: MP40 juggernaut

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strange gimmick to persevere with tbqh. no one's ever found it funny. doesn't even work as a pun.

good times

>spend years making fun of deanos
>every single person plays cod religiously


these people are insane

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Any backlog gamers in?

>was only allowed to have friends over four times a year when I was in school
>no video games allowed

tag yourself x

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For me? It's the AA-12 (or other automatic shotgun equivalent)

>discussing call of duty
let no man from henceforth claim that /brit/ is not an incel freak general, state

it's a bit of a fucking joke really

Well this one lad did
I blame him for this madness

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no its overhyped by virgins unless you are interested in learning every pixel of one map and playing that same one map year after year because all of them insist its the most heavenly creation

Same, still play RS2 a lot too

I used to obsessively complete every gun for each prestige level. I also used to only use German guns for Germans and American guns for the Americans etc. It meant I got good with most of the weapons. Also I think it was an early sign of autism.

cod was peak deano.

noobtube go thunk haha

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they've done a number on you

What kind of freak didn’t use stopping power with the MP40

you're right didn't seem that common, but was so satisfying.

Halo is a shit game that only unskilled consolefags have fond memories of.

Reminder that Halo players are so bad that they had to implement aim assist.

>he doesn't realise that /brit/ is a deano general
What's the matter, too dumb to understand the satire?

good times... no... amazing times

*akimbo 1887s you across the map*

is it wrong to get a handsie from the mother in law

Miss the Euro community it's not the same down here

they've just been entirely unplugged from the human condition

Fucking hell, my uncle is actually in one of these pictures haha.

deano game desu, fifa then cod after smithster lost rag

You play any arma?


>I also used to only use German guns for Germans and American guns for the Americans etc

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don't think i would ever get on a plane with no vertical stabliser me

only shooters i’ve ever played are Battlefront II (2005) and Republic Commando

>it didn’t make the list

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any zombies man in? for me it was der reise

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trigger warning please, I still remember seething about those stupid things and refusing to use them on principle

Too stupid to realise the correct term would be self deprecation?

same fucking maps over and over against cunts who've put 5000 hours into it. Full of hackers too

Its all still there
Tend to avoid the Russians though

lost HIS rag
going to kms for this mistake

the virgin freak exposes himself in the open

>porn shot in 24fps
these niggas on crack

It used to annoy me when I'd see people playing as the Yanks running around with an MP40.

Good lad
Autistic lad


I asked if anyone has seen monica

wheni was 14 i lived in a low class poor area, i met a boznian kid my age, he brought me over to check out his xbox and halo. i was poor and only had a ps1. we spent 20 minutes just looking at the grass and shitting ourselves. halo grass was mindblowing at the time

nah it's fine if she strokes your hair and calls you a good boy

been telling people /brit/ is a shaggers general for ages, you want /britfeel/

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>his rag
the rag*

Played Halo and Unreal Tournament back in the day, enjoyed them both.

What now?

did any of you lads fall in with the cod youtube crowd? had a slew of them on my friends list haha

Here's hoping

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she usually goes to bed 2330 this is an hour past that


for me, it's Killing Floor 2's katana

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I was a god with my bolt action iron sights back then, having a scope wasn't even an advantage at any range.

halo was just cod for virgins

wish they hadn’t nerfed them

dunno where really tall people come from
me and most of my mates are below 6 foot
the handful of tall people I do know aren't that big

yet in clubs and shit these monsterous 6'7 nazi youth fellas come out of the woodwork

This is why the British have a reputation in Australia of being extremely extroverted party animals

yh bossman

sittin on top of the cat walk slaying n tha

N bak wen dogs were actually difficult rounds haha

have sex

any stick arena/stick rpg chads in

console shooters are for virgin retards
pc shooters are for virgin normies
sports games are for chads


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>six figures in a gulf state

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People socialize within their height bracket

only good thing cod ever did was zombies

zombies? for me? personally? it was playing old school zombies in cod4 on Strike with the clan

Lol 6’4 men reporting in

This is unironically /brit/ posters

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sports management sims are for dads

back when halo and cod were actually good even having a console was what having two monitors and a lightup keyboard is now


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Good lad

For me, it was the Cod Wars

>tall people be like "ayo I can reach high spaces!"
me: pulls out a ladder


always wondered what this image meant
were they serious
with downy faces like that they might well be

dads 6'5
mummys 5'3

me 5'9

whyd my dad have to marry such a womanlet lads

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that's me lol

of my school mates only one of eight is sub-6'0

I remember all the random rumours about COD zombies. Spent ages on maps looking for secret rooms or trying to summon Satan etc that I now know don't exist.

proper mad lad tbf though that dean

Used to play counter strike, quake and shite on my mate's pc when I was like 6
Didn't have a fucking clue what was going on

big banksy fan
this is shit


loooool no way that rat is PISSING ON the TOILET LID im screaming oh my

for me it was the 1911 and M1 Garand while playing bad company 2.

also that was the most fun fps of all time by a country mile

this but with BMI

dad 5'11 mum 5'2 im 5'7
rip me

how tall is the milkman