
white edition

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how many shags have you lads had since lockdown began?

"but brexit", rorke scraped out with his goblin-like appendages, a hallmark trait of his norf heritage, completely avoiding the topic of the thread as he seethed about his irrelevant backwater shithole being demographically emptied as everyone young moves away to London or succumbs to aggressive alcoholism

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Zero (0)

stunning and brave

Privatise the NHS.

I want a German healthcare system and I want it now!

personally ive had to resort to shagging the flatmate

What could /brit/ manage in 1 day from OP's pic?
>2 bottles of coke
>two loaves of bread
maybe one?
>plate of chips
lord no
maybe one bottle

only people that move to london from up norf are refugee welcomers with dyed pink

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christ nobody cares you twat
move to germany if you want it so bad

ban the racists from /brit/

>I'm so glad I had slightly faster mobile internet for those couple of years

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MENTAL how many shekels the JIDF shills collected in the last thread

WHITE? WHITE????? JIDF shill trying to destroy the white race!!! Janny leaves this thread up (shock horror). Better get the plebs of /brit/ now while their brains are soft from all the 5g microwaves breaking down their surveillance proteins.

the reason for the seeth towards the Irish : they're stealing the slags

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It doesn't have the same access to resources as a private healthcare system does, it's underfunded, understaffed, overburdened. It is the fault of the system we have in place (the NHS) that we are unable to perform as well as out peers in Europe in dealing with the crisis.
To put it simply, the NHS is dogshit, other countries healthcare systems are not.

Ah yes, the seething paki

hello JIDF

You'll care when we have a review of why we sucked at dealing with this crisis and the review comes back saying it is because of the NHS.

>21st century london

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bottles of coke
>>two loaves of bread
>half of one on a good day and if it's good bread
>>plate of chips
>i could do double and in fact have done
>depends on the day and the chocolate cake but yeah
>not a chance
>if it didn't look so shit, yes

The NHS is the 21st century church of England

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hello council estate scientist

Really is an ugly accent.

nobody believes your lies shlomo

Alri Moshe

Using promethazine for its intended use for like the first time ever. Fucking allergy season.

>2 bottles of coke
dont even like coke so would struggle to finish one
>two loaves of bread
yeah maybe one, struggle to see where it fits in with the rest though
>plate of chips
yes normally, probably not in addition to the rest
not that many, would get sick of them
probably spread out over the day
maybe with the sandwiches
not a chance
maybe one bottle


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>white people
>moving to london

ableton live is on sale lads

And it is about time we all became atheists.

Those are Mossad gimmicks

Accents are a meme. They complement your attractiveness if you are already attractive but don't make you attractive in and of yourself. When women answer surveys like this they're imagining Colin Farrell whispering to them in a sweet Irish lilt whereas most Irishmen you meet have a face like a crumpled up ham sandwich.

I’ll be fucking livid if the NHS winds up putting us in lockdown for longer than the rest of Europe.

nobody being you and your facebook group of other mouth-breathing idiots who barely scraped through mandatory education

rozzers, there he is