Post ITT and I will tell you something I admire about your country, its culture or its history

Post ITT and I will tell you something I admire about your country, its culture or its history

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my friends work in netherlands and they regularly post stuff about them smoking weed or partying there. makes me jealous desu

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go on......

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Please make more Spanish roasties blocking paths and shit

I admire the multitude of religious and spiritual movements which originated there and spread all over the eastern half of Asia, making India one of only two major religious centres of the world besides the Middle-East.

good rock scene

you don't like anything about my country


I admire how social Australian people I have met have been, and their immense aptitude for a variety of sports.
Almost too much to name, so let's just name one of the many things, namely the art that has emanated from Italy for the past millennia which has been second to none.
One of the most resourceful people on earth. Was one of the richest nations before the discovery of oil, then managed to take the profits from oil and do something useful with it, unlike us (google dutch disease). Also, insane natural beauty.
It boggles the mind how many extraordinary individuals the first generation of Americans included. Never has a more talented bunch of people coexisted and bundled forces as in America's beginning.

I won't do countries twice by the way.
Of all people I have met, Swedes have been consistently the most aesthetically beautiful. By far. It's almost creepy.
I also admire your military prowess during the 30 Year War.
I admire how such a small country has so many immensely beautiful cities, more than mine.


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I'll have great respect for Holland (and Mexico too) if he manages to pull something out for Mexico.


I admire how Mexico managed to blend colonial influences with their native history to create a modern nation with a rich culture, as evident from their cuisine and their music

To praise Greece for its history is stereotypical but necessary, when I read some ancient Greek works in high school I was always surprised how extraordinarily ahead of their time they were. Greece is one of the few nations whose existence has truly been of macrohistorical importance.


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Beyond being some of the friendliest people in the world, there is not a nation in the world which possesses as much natural beauty as Indonesia. The countless heavenly islands, jungles, volcanos are truly miraculous.
Japan, with its blend of western science and eastern ethics, is one of the most impressive societies I have ever witnessed first hand. Seeing the politeness, cleanliness and spirit of the Japanese people left me in awe.

i bet you didnt even know we exist

I have been in Netherlands

I like the Dutch now friend. I will defend the Dutch on Yas Forums now

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Riga is a hidden gem within Europe and I loved my stay there. The Latvian traditional dresses and the language are also a pleasure to be behold.
The Hungarian parliament is my favorite building in the world. I also think Hungarian is the most unique languages in Europe and I am happy it is preserved
As a enthusiast of amateur wrestling, I really admire Azerbaijan's success in that sport for such a small nation. I also met a few Azeris at a summer school and they were lovely to me. Definitely a country on my bucket list.
I admire the resilience of the Polish people, who managed to persevere through centuries of bad fortune and now are back and one of Europe's rising tigers



do it

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Surprise me.

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be gentle

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I like your archetecture and the genetics you dumped in South Africa, beautifulest people. Now u.