Do you want your country to crash hard into complete anarchy with all the institutions being dissolved so that something can possibly be salvaged from the wreckage?
For me, a Canadian, YES.
Do you want your country to crash hard into complete anarchy with all the institutions being dissolved so that something can possibly be salvaged from the wreckage?
For me, a Canadian, YES.
Other urls found in this thread:
>canadia is a country
>canadia is a country
>canadia is a country
Can't find any reports of this from reliable sources.
We warned you about Canada and you never listened
It would be really funny and kinda tragic to see NATO armies in actual combat with a near-peer opponent.
good that NATO doesn't have near peer opponents
My parking space earns more than you boris
oi m8 keep them trannies away from me or ill smash their fuckin heads in
Russia, China?
true, they lost to some afghan goat fuckers after 15 years of war, a total defeat
I found a video of you, OP.
Telling people how to speak in such a way should count as a human rights violation.
wouldn't stand a chance against NATO in a conventional war
double digit IQ post
You guys can't even defeat third world Asian farmers form tiny, tiny dirt poor nations. You'd stand no chance against China or Russia, Western man has been entirely effeminized to a degree that is comical. F
Fuck, your average Western army recruit today is a brown immigrant from another country who joined the army because its easy money and who has no actual loyalty or real ethnic/cultural identity tied to the country. They're just merceneries essentially, only there because for the time being the West offers better payouts.
On the other hand your average white Westerner would never fight for his own nation. He sees his own nation as bad and not worth fighting for. You Krauts would rather give your country away to foreign tribes than fight for it.
well Chang, the unwillingness of western citizens to fight for their countries might have something to do with the fact that all military campaigns of the west are occupation/pacification missions. Which speaks for itself because no conventional rival is retarded enough to openly challenge NATO + friends. But delude yourself all you want.
You can kid yourself with the hubris of an unbeatable West who has no challenge all you want, the reason why the global south isn't going to war with NATO is because they don't have to fight NATO to take over your country and become the dominant majority over your lands.
You're being conquered and invaded right now Hans, and not a single bullet has to be fired as some hired immigrant soldier of the NATO apparatus, which is fully dedicated to protecting this very process of your ethnic group becoming the minority in Germany. NATO exists to defend global capitalism, not you.
You're just too deeply seeped in SOMA to care. Which is why your will quietly sit there and become the minority, happy and trustful of the system.
is that actually a real news story, or clickbait trash/ misinformation?
I don't give a shit incel, I have plenty immigrant friends
Of course you do. They're the future of your country. Your progeny isn't.
But be happy that NATO is defending your grandchildrens future lol.
And keep calling people incels, that will save your kind.
they want grunts to refer to superiors and coworkers as "they" instead of "him/her" or whatever in an internal memo they sent out. It's retarded, but not quite "infantryperson" yet
>Of course you do. They're the future of your country. Your progeny isn't.
>But be happy that NATO is defending your grandchildrens future lol.
>And keep calling people incels, that will save your kind.
why do we have to change our entire conception of gender for a percent of a percent who dont follow it?
And you're basing that on what exactly?
Are you seriously so blind to not see the terrible institutional degradation of Western militaries?
troop number, equipment quality and numbers, training, economy, wealth, infrastructure, cooperation
sounds dehumanizing
>equipment quality
False for most of NATO ignoring USA.
And on what exactly are you basing this?
>economy, wealth, infrastructure
First, economy doesn't equal MIC.
Second, I was talking more about direct comparison of military capability, rather than large-scale war and it's course. I'm talking about battlefield.
non-Western armies are trash bro. Poorly equipped and poorly trained. Social politics aside.
It's not going to be enforced
Also, "cooperation", hahahah, this crisis exposed the real level of cooperation between Western states.
And that isn't a bonus champ. 25 armies together will never fight as well as a single national army. Especially when like 17 or 18 of those armies lack the ability to field actual combat units.
>from reliable sources
I guess it's not something reliable sources would want to get into
well yes, but I'm sure the army has no problem with moderate dehumanization
well it's not like they typically have the training, experience, wealth, or industries to be up to snuff in a world that has left spears and shields in the dust.
>False for most of NATO ignoring USA.
>And on what exactly are you basing this?
that Western armies don't suffer casualties like the Russians in Grozny for example
>implying military cooperation has to do with health care in peacetime
I bet you're one of the same retards who blames the EU for a slow response when it's not even their field of competence
You're generalizing. Russian and Chinese militaries certainly aren't poorly equipped in 2020. And Russians have way more relevant combat experience than almost everyone in the West. Ukraine, Georgia, Syria, even Chechen Wars, meanwhile best West has is demolishing dilapidated Iraqi Army and COIN.
What I'm saying is pretty much a repeat of what many analysts are saying: modern NATO militaries are incapable of waging conventional war.
This seems pretty legit as far as the lingo is concerned
>And Russians have way more relevant combat experience than almost everyone in the West.
that's why NATO is constantly doing joint exercises
Your country is Chinese territory in 80 years.
Its irrelevant what non-Western armies are like. They're mass moving into your country right now and taking territory for their grandchildren. They will be the future rulers of your land.
You can cope with posts like this all you want.
Your country will not be German by the end of this century.
But at least you got NATO to protect it, right?
Grozny was 25 years ago, and happened in a totally different situation.
And military cooperation would work even worse in reality. If there's anything military history teaches you it's that it takes awful lot of time to properly coordinate multinational forces.
Peacetime PR posturing and meme exercises is absolutely fucking nothing.
Fuck, even in time of Cold War when Western armies were a lot more serious than today, and a lot more close, there were several glaring problems, like German insistence on defending the border or ridiculously slow Dutch mobilization plans.
oh for fucks sake
>canadian military
what are they gonna do shoot 5.56 dildos at me?
at least I'm not a chink
>Peacetime PR posturing and meme exercises is absolutely fucking nothing.
NATO has common standards, common infrastructure, joint commands, joint units
I think you don't really know what you're talking about
>Fuck, even in time of Cold War
yeah back then there was a capable enemy at the border
now NATO has expanded massively and has no realistic conventional threat
you can watch as many RT or Sputnik videos about ebin T-14 or Su-57 as you want but the fact remains that an economy smaller than Italy can't sustain a military that's in any way capable of standing up to NATO
Still sounds pretty dumb desu. And like most language reforms impossible to enforce without going fully Orwellian.
>You guys can't even defeat third world Asian farmers form tiny, tiny dirt poor nations. You'd stand no chance against China or Russia, Western man has been entirely effeminized to a degree that is comical.
Yes because fighting an insurgency and occupation war is completely the same thing as a conventional war between nation-states and alliances. Retard.
You're not a chink. Chinks will rule their nations and expand.
Your kind wont. You will be replaced by more virile and less self-hating tribes.
ok ching chong
As I told you in the other post, those exercises are nothing but bullshit PR stunts and very small scale compared to what Russians are doing for example.
Reality is very different, for example at the onset of the hypothetical conflict with Russia, UK (one of great powers in NATO, keep in mind) could deploy a whooping brigade worth of troops, or two at best, in Baltic States.
Given their organization and equipment, that force would last like two days.
Furthermore, here's a good video to cure you of your ridiculous idea that your hypothetical opponents are just twiddling their thumbs for 3 decades.
Russians are ahead of USA in some areas, let alone ridiculous forces like Bundeswehr, Canadians...
Because the 1% has been right this whole time and everyone else is not just wrong but a bigot.
>his language has gendered pronouns or words
>durrr this spoon is a girl! A bridge is a man!! Durr~
>using brown people to fight for you and kill other brown people
based in my book
>NATO has common standards, common infrastructure, joint commands, joint units
>I think you don't really know what you're talking about
And I think you don't really know what you're talking about since you give very bland general arguments.
Common standards exist in some, often secondary areas. For fucks sake most of NATO countries don't even spend the required 2% of the GDP.
By the way I had some past first-hand experience with Montenegrin military, so I'm just gonna laugh at your idea that being a part of NATO implies any fucking serious standards.
>economy smaller than Italy
There's that brainlet argument again.
Russians don't pay their troops in dollars, so only relevant measure is GDP PPP. In which case Russian economy is the size of German economy.
But even that is irrelevant. What actually matters is military-industrial complex. You won't turn services into military supplies, you fucking idiot.