Are the Dutch basically just Sea-Germans?

Are the Dutch basically just Sea-Germans?

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Other urls found in this thread:'_War


what is it with Yas Forums today that there are 10 threads about the Netherlands?

new mene

Swamp Jews

its just a big cope mate. and im not even dutch.
im gronings.

Attached: ceo of groningen2.png (723x677, 415.85K)

no, different kind of autists
we are more like southern-danes

What's it like to have a cute blond Dutch twink bf bros?


fuck off you're not Frisian anymore

Pic related, although remove Austria and Switzerland

Attached: 1280px-Deutsch-Niederländischer_Sprachraum_(nach_Werner_König).png (1280x981, 727.73K)

Many of them are Spanish rape babies.
We were at war for 80 years.'_War

I know how mountain Germans feel about the normal Germans but how do you feel about sea Germans? You are like complete opposites? But can share in the fact that you are both not snobby German Germans?

i dunno who are they in general
fuck them

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t. Moor rape baby

I was under the impression that they're just land anglos

We are pretty snobby, especially around Germans. The average Austrian has honestly no opinion about them except "muh weed xDDD". The Dutch has probably no opinion about us as well except maybe muh mountains

>except remove Austria
t. person who only got his own identity in the 1950s because of socialists

You're not German

Never claimed to be

discord raid probably

BASED harde kern 050
Please never reopen the uni though.

Then why do you or the Brazilian user always appear in every thread, where I make a post?

I don't know but it's seriously lacking in small foamy beer

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Is that man really going to drink ALL THAT BEER!? Not enough of a head on it either baka.

stop making me thirsty user

How should I know? I'm usually just a lurker I don't know you

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More like swamp germans. Descendants of the lower race of the Saxons, they have lived in marshlands for millenias. Their body has adapted to these conditions, this is why they are tall. Those too short would drown in any normal swamp. Their body odour also adapted, this is why they smell like dog towels and mussels. Not my kind of people, really.


Nailed it.

french poster talking about BO oh nonono