Wtf is a tutorial country and why do I see it on Yas Forums a lot now

Wtf is a tutorial country and why do I see it on Yas Forums a lot now
t. lurker

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Basically, Northern Europe.

a stupid term made by a filipino avatar fag

A country thats easy to survive in like mine

It's a country you can skip, unless you're an absolute pleb.

> like mine

I am sorry to break your fantasy van nistelroy but your country is nowa dangerous shithole controlled by arab drug gangs.

yes, and you're to thank for it, shlomo

A tutorial country is a country so wonderful and great that life is basically on easy mode there, Ukraine for instance is a prime example of this.

Hardest countries to survive in. We have no culture and we are forced to become mindless cogs in a giant machine or get pushed out of society. To fit into a Nordic society you have to give up on your humanity. There's a reason so many kill themselves here.

They earn 50$ a month there you fucking french homo pierre.
And it's a corrupt as hell country.

white countries

pic related

Attached: tutorial.png (6460x3480, 2.03M)

Not the United States, that's for sure

> forced to become mindless cogs in a giant machine or get pushed out of society
I'm pretty much an NPC already, I was referring to myself as such way before Yas Forumss were using it to "own the libs". Is it easier to become a functional cog there? Because here only 10-20% of the cogs seem to be comfortable.

Italy is definitely tutorial. They keep like crashing the EU economy and bringing us coronas and stuff but we keep bailing them out and stuff.

Isn't finland basically living in tutorial mode though? Finland and Sweden are the quintessential tutorial country then?

It's easy to exist in Finland, but nearly impossible to live.

you literally get more in austism bux than most people by wageslaving
If you struggle in Finland you should just hang yourself

>I suffer in Finland
Your dad needs to give you a solid beating.

At least he doesn't clean toilets for $50 a month like you mr. Zbigniew Kowalski

>I suffer outside Africa


Money isn't happiness, and Finns are cold, soulless, uncultured autists.

Why not just get neetbux?

You are lucky
If you can't stand Finland then I can't even imagine you being born in Haiti

>you're to thank for it
Israelis don't force anyone to accept a*abs

See, when you are born in Norway, an oil rich stable nation, you are rich from the get-go, since the government has a really large national trust fund, around 1 trillion dollars invested, to split among a few million people. That's playing life in tutorial mode. If you are poor as a norwegian is basically because you legit have some sort of mental limitation or uncontrollable drug addiction, there's no other way to be poor over there

cuck countries

>sea monkey defending the kike
imagine my shock

wrong flag bro
penis penis penis penises penis

stop lying.

Please kill me