
Nojko's mayor got corona'd edition


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fuck ikibey the turkish turk

Tell me about Noiko, Rasha, and all the other name fags, pl0x!

fuck off fag

If Allah exists, why hasn't he taken my life yet?

I'm Greek

Time to make some skara and pechenje this weekend

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Nein, du fickst mich!

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didn't know Son Goku was his mother


nobody has weirder dreams than me. I will now share them with you
Dream 1. I'm watching some sex clip of David and Victoria Beckham except it's not very explicit or else I don't remember the actual fucking. But then the sweaty "David" turns to the camera and it's actually Michael Shannon but really blonde with a blonde handlebar mustache and really blue eyes. And he starts doing this Guy Ritchie-tier monologue. About how vapid society is, about how they didn't do the video because they're horny but because they're bored of the quarantine, bored of society etc.

what the fuck is guy ritchie-tier monologue xaxaxax what the fuck is guy ritchie

>iki bad
>turkish thread good
the faggot state of balk

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Is Google images an accurate representation of how civilized you are?

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But Iki, you're a Turk.

No, because Austria isn't on Google streeview.

something like this


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what are you 12?

Dream 2. Me and my parents are in the car on the freeway going to my grandfather in Plovdiv for his birthday. In the emergency lane there's a taxi tugging a van but the taxi is going in REVERSE, facing the van. Then we arrive in Plovdiv and an entire commieblock is completely "decorated" in classic 1920s and 1930s cars. Something like pic related. Like, they are bolted on the balconies. And also parked all over the block. But they're all in really bad shape. The dream "explanation" was that some super collector lived in the block, as much as that explains anything

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damn look at italy you can viev every street in the country lol

normally i'd be insulted but since you're mentally ill i'll drop it

>Russiya 28,000 infected
That escalated quickly

all the dictatorships had 0 cases, and then like 200 cases, next day 3000 cases, 15000 etc. Almost like they lied initially

The BUFF Kumanovo major Maksim Dimitrievski tested positive for COVID-19

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Are you from Cum-anovo?

this is /balk/ and on Yas Forums
if you want answers go to ex-yu but they are severely autistic nerds who only speak their faggot language there

That's just a codeword for "they don't behave like 89IQ Balkanimals."


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Tell me about Istrians /balk/. Someone told me they were fags. I also noticed it has the highest proportion of fedoras. Was taking it away from Italy a mistake?

Maybe I'll buy a curved 27" monitor too and not just a gaming chair

if you want answers go to ex-yu but they are severely autistic nerds who only speak their faggot language there

Do you know the band Ki? I saw them live in Palanka in August.

I'm not from kumanovo i'm kidding and i don't know macedonian bands

Kriva palanka? The townlet next to bulgarian border?

Balkans are getting dumber by the minute

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Kvo prae6e tam ot kyustendil da ne si?

нe cъм oт кю, нo тyкa имa пeдaл дeтo ми викa „кюcтeндилcкия мaнaф“, тaкa чe мoжe дa пpиeмeмe, чe cъм тaкъв :D

гнyceн пeдaл

Mojete li vie da raspoznate kogato nqkoi e ot kyustendil, i tam jiveat makedonci ili shopi?