Is there hope for our Subsaharyan brethren afterall?

Is there hope for our Subsaharyan brethren afterall?
Rwanda went from being a total fail country in the 90s with pointless genocide, to now having consistent high GDP growth.

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_Rwanda.svg.png (1200x800, 28.23K)

Tutsis are survivors of the Bantu expansion and genocide, God bless this noble race.

gdp is based on development, when you go from shit to non shit your gdp becomes high, it is obvious, and yes there is hope in diversity, that is the strenght of rwanda

Only in West Africa

Attached: NKO.jpg (1259x547, 83.05K)

Yes, the East African Federation is the next super power behind India

when wh*toids were in charge of Africa it was shit with constant genocide, when China became in charge of it it started improving
Really makes you htink

they aren't survivors, the hutis are braindead and started a race war they couldn't win because tutsis are taller and smarter than them, hutis were the majority and thought that by sheer numbers they would win

Is it possible that Subsaharan Africa becomes more developed than Latin America?
The economy in most of Latin America is comparably cold, and there's more violence overall.
Mexico's GDP is flat, and Venezuela's is now sinking at a rate of 10%.

Hey Zhang, how's the business trip?

god I hope they become richer than us and we just become shittier and more violent

As much as I don't like China, their authoritarian state capitalism system is best for 3rd world countries. That's how they went from Africa tier to a superpower in just a few decades.

Why the fuck would you want that? That would be extremely embarassing.
Latin America has no excuse

because i am not a brainlet, the best thing that could happen to the world is if africa becomes first world or at least as developed as chile

I want them to develop but I don't want Latin America to become the new Africa either. Just stop killing each other, value education more, and the results will follow.

it is not necessary right now

most african countries are authoritarian yet they remain shitholes
they should follow the Botswana model, the longest running democracy in africa and now one of the richest countries in africa.

Attached: sir beretse khama.jpg (590x520, 33.92K)

What's not necessary?

Botswana is cool

for latinamerica to develop, we do not need it, high IQ countries like argentina notice that, what would we win by becoming developed?

Botswana is basically an ethnostate with a singular culture and a sparse population, not a comparable example for most African countries

botswana is bigger than colombia, is extremely rich in resources and has a very low population which means they do not have overpopulation like other african countries who can't feed the high amount of children they have, on top of that botswana is full of indians, chinese and boers, again, just like rwanda, namibia, south africa, rwanda, kenya and now ethiopia, diversity is their strenght

More money, less violence, less migrating to the US
More international respect

botswana is far from an ethnostate lol, on the contrary, there was an user from botswana he probably left because of all the racism but it would be perfect to ask him

Now that HIV is pretty much curable, I expect an even brighter future for them

the only good thing from that is less violence, but I guess we will just need to survive for now, the other things aren't necessary or aren't even a bad thing

Central America and Mexico keep draining their population into the US
That is clearly a sign that something is wrong, and it is not sustainable.
Plus anyone with any sense of national pride should want their country to prosper, and not be a laughing stock

that is what you do not get, I want my country to prosper, you are an american brainlet so you will never get it

the most developed countries in africa are democracies, some more homogenous than others, but democracies nonetheless.

the key to development is stability. democracies are much more reliable in ensuring stability than authoritarianism. you might point to examples like china or singapore, but they are simply exceptions to the rule when you take into account the countless authoritarian regimes that have rose and fell all over africa, asia, and latin america.

the highest quality of life countries in Asia are also democracies
China's 6% GDP growth is impressive, but it still seems like a shitty place to live overall

>I want my country to prosper
By not developing? Either I'm reading you wrong, or you're not making much sense.
And don't throw stones in the glass house of IQ, Honduras's is not very high.

>but it still seems like a shitty place to live overall
but much better than in the past
China literally used to be the poorest shithhole on the planet, now their average income is comparable to Mexico, Turkey and Brazil
They're authoritarian, which sucks, but when just a generation ago you could barely feed your family that isn't as much of a priority, even though it will most likely change soon

rwanda is a "democracy" paul kagame has been their president since the 2000 and he isn't stepping down, thing is who cares? a country needs a smart leader and kagame is the greatest leader the black race has ever had and the only reason why nobody recognices him is because of that, and talking about bantu racism is problematic

If I were Mexico, I'd be embarrassed about China passing me.
They have to take the economy/quality of life more seriously and stop being criminal loving fag

If the PRC had free elections, they'd most likely get a Maoist leadership