All memes aside

all memes aside

this guy ruined you

Attached: trump.jpg (1180x842, 116.71K)

fucking DRUMPFF
my politics?
yeah fuck donald TRUMP

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Stop being melodramatic. He’s simply mediocre. Better than Hillary.

dont worry, biden is winning in the polls by 11 points

just like hillary?

it's ironic how nationalists are so dim and low iq they don't realise how they're bad for their own country

I actually don't like Trump but the DRUMPFF memes are too funny

And bush didn’t?

underages dont remember the bush era

>implying you need to win the popular vote with absolute numbers to become POTUS

just print more trillions, who gives a fuck?

And do oldfags remember the Reagan era? America has been going to the shitter since the late 70s.

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yes we know, a certain country went through a lot of effort to make sure he got in the seat and it actually wasn't Israel

He's Bavarian, so feel free to take him back

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oldfag here, when I started school USSR was still studied as geography instead of history

can someone tell me something big he actually did besides mess with Iran? he stirs up so much shit but isn't that groundbreaking.


We ruined ourselves, Trump's just the symptom

wasnt last year really good for your economy?

>implying they are any different
at least trumps too stupid to lie properly

Yes, but I don't see why Trump necessarily deserves credit for that. It was improving before he came into office and simply kept improving at the same pace until the crash. (Mind you, I'm not saying that Obama deserves credit for the recovery either)


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Nah. America was always garbage. He's a perfect representation of what America is and should have undisputed and absolute power over America until it collapses.

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Is this really any different than Yas Forums wishing for Americans to die because of corona?


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this place has been a shell since WWI

Seriously tho. Even in discussions that are in absolutely no way related to Trump or even the US, people bring up Trump somehow. Fuck them.

Trump is the biggest mind landlord in history.

America was already ruined long before orange man. He just accelerated the collapse.

And we get offended when people say we deserved 9/11...

No, dear mutt. The picture shows Americans gloating over a natural disaster because of the country's actions during a past war (which were completely justified and based) while we are gloating over deaths that are a result of your own incompetence, which in turn is a result of your vicious and lowly nature.

Attached: America_where_it_belongs.webm (480x360, 761.29K)

Basically you're the same as the people in that image lmao

America has been suffering ever since we got entangled with so much bullshit across the middle east. We need to unironically withdraw from the entire Middle East and Europe and Asia, only defending the Anglosphere, and let the world sort themselves out.

More like the US is starting bullshit in the Middle East lmao

Which one? It's a webm you dumb fuck. There are thousands of images in that motion picture.

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>cherrypicked facebook comments
>all americans
do the world a favor and kill yourself

You know what user meant, smartass

>Trump is the biggest mind landlord in history.

Fine, whatever, I don't even care at this point. When I become president, I'll withdraw us from there completely, lift all sanctions, and block travel from the middle east to the US, and let itself be figured out among them

It's a representative sample. The average American's soul is as rotten and diseased as their body.

Attached: American_savage.jpg (365x487, 55.98K)

shut up chang

Is this a representative example of British people?

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trump has created massive growth for the united states; it;s now easier to find a job than at any point in the past 20 years (barring the coronavirus). he struck landmark deals with china, renegotiating trade. he kickstarted the peace process in korea. and the USA is less involved in the middle than ever before

so we're the same people, zhang :)

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Based Jeremy Clarkson.