>your cunt
>are people in your cunt fighting against the tyranny of """"""quarantine"""""" and this Corona virus hoax?
>your cunt
>are people in your cunt fighting against the tyranny of """"""quarantine"""""" and this Corona virus hoax?
how come police doesn't shoot them all ?
Natural selection.
>Trump supporters
americans will die
go back to your shit thread
City budget must be stretched, cops can only shoot a certain amount of people to cover the costs of dealing with the fallout
just let out a lil cough
it wasn't only "Trump supporters"
nice spin tho
Americans are retarded as fuck, it's not even a meme
This would make for a nice zombie apocalypse film.
Best part is they're all in their cars because they know fully well the disease is real but are out there to defend trump
American republicans remind me of a circus
Why are American conservatives universally shitty people?
is Trump even agreeing with them?
They're doing it to BTFO a governor who is opposing him, so yes.
dont lie fatty
I thought this kind of this was only happening here.
Once again americans proving they are brothers of the brazilians in stupidity
I love what's happening in the US. their ignorance and stupidity finally gets to them
This kind of shit**
Lol literally the same as brazil
The police only shoots innocent civilians and by blocking ambulances, they are in fact helping them on their quest to kill innocent civilians.
Damn, that's so evil.
noooo you can't just question the official narrative, you must submit to authority
95% Trump supporters and maybe a few independents.
Why are your people so deluded in the thought that whatever meassures the government takes to face X situation is EBIL JEW NWO DYSTOPIAN MUH GUNS JIDF TACTIC11! do you honestly have no self-awareness and common sense at all ?
Elaborate what's happening here or at least link an article that explains it.
because it's what our country was supposedly founded on, gullible fools will let anything happen in the name of safety, patriot act, take all the guns, etc.
I know you retards have read books like 1984, you should know it's a warning not make believe fiction
At least the proles were free in 1984.
Isn't Trump the authority in this case? All that aside why are they doing this at a hospital and making things worse for healthcare workers? These people are idiots no matter how you look at it.
>protest outside hospital instead of government building
trump supporter logic
Free like free range chickens.
Because people here are completely retarded if you haven’t figured it out yet.
Anytime someone mentions 1984, I automatically assume they read it in high school and haven't touched a single book since then.
exactly, if it's mandatory for people to read, how do the ideas still go over everyone's head?
Honestly it's probably too good for the average human.