
M is for Mick edition

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yikes dude

kill yourself nigger

you lost me on the M

used to follow people (usually of a lower combat level) around and spam “L00000000000000000l” without much reason to, just to make them think there’s something wrong with what they’re doing

f UK g du trilogy TV at y fbi fhg ju f fbi fd


im being mental here but test

chicanos are white
stay butthurt

We’re in boys

No hotel fees and a qt to show me around

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Redpill me on the Irish

yanks reading japanese? mental

Pic related are my eyes. I clearly have Chad Caucasian BLACK eyes and not shit brown subhuman non-white eyes. I am therefore White and all of you are my subordinates.

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felt like this vid i found on reddit didnt recieve the attention it deserved in brit

was HOWLING at it earlier


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nicest guys who can ever meet or twisted fucking psychopaths

Here she is lads, the orange rocket in all her (212 bhp) glory

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still don't understand why nhs workers need free food and transport

Show some fucking respect to the absolute HEROES working in the NHS you cunt

looks red to me

I am not reading another foreign language you fool that is English

Hell will freeze over when I learn foreign barbarian languages

americans being white?

this is my girlfriend

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oh yes it’s true

Screaming and hollering at the last one

still reeling from that lad in the last thread that somehow thought hereditary peers in the house of lords were a good thing

you want locking up

Need more games like LA Noire

You have to balance the words so that they're rarely used, cutting and not cringeworthy
For example, cockwomble is shit but rodent is excellent

try this one

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car wanker loves his car

comfy game

can be a very dark people in the psychological sense. the jew unironically fears the irishman. freud knew this.

Off to watch some Mad Men

don’t ever post here again you horrible little scrote

Asked my mum her opinion on the extent to which a Catholic theocracy would overcome the obvious limitations of democratic society, and whether it could ever be accepted by a non-Catholic populace. She said "I don't really know dear" and carried on washing the dishes

Why are the voiceovers in adverts nowadays always northern accents? In the nineties they mostly used southern accents in ads

leave her be rorke, for goodness sake
the woman is a saint for having to put up with you

asinine post

Need to build a bridge and get over it (wrt the potato famine)

Did the car go brmmm brmmm in the Home Bargains car park?

never in the mood for breakfast

They're basically white monkeys
Very left-wing too

good show that

Aye. Not bad.

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Rather based

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Master of small talk, seem lovely but are all two faced cunts

Sounds like ever other Strokes album. Which is to say extremely good.

its very good yes but please stop relying on Yas Forums buzzwords to express yourself

social engineering to make slovenly accents fashionable

The strokes sound a bit wanky

Cunts like you made me feel insecure through a virtual world

Not heard it

They do look like monkeys

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Bet you sound wanky with your joke of an Australian accent.

Mate what else would I say to a great Strokes album in the middle of quarantine ?

I need to use a narrower glass and and ice so i dont drink myself to death

bizarre post this one

he's adopted

iraq war was fucked
simple as

Betta you sounda the wanky with a your yoke of an ostra-alian ac---cent

i dont what to say lol

Czech Republic be kidding me haha

haha nice

That's it I think
Also can't stand Scottish accents in banking adverts

this sounds more swedish when you say it out loud

would love a swedish gf with big tits

Know an Iraqi who’s family fled and came here as refugees. Wish they go back

Quite like it. I rarely like red on cars but that's the exact type (slight orange undertone) I think looks good, especially paired with black wheels.

Probably the best indie album since 2010 2bh

Do they have a fit daughter

Yes but clearly both his biological parents were Irish. I mean just look at him. He's the perfect caricature of a simian Irishman

mental how refugees seem to stay permanently these days, thought the whole idea was they were meant to return once the danger has passed

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>thought the whole idea was they were meant to return once the danger has passed

nooooooo lol
It would be good though

>The British Pakistani population has grown from about 10,000 in 1951 to over 1.1 million in 2011.

and that's a good thing

kind of rude

1.1 million? Mental

>Very left-wing too
dunno where this meme come from

indie isnt a genre and it was released on a label