
eagrán fear mór pharóiste an LA

Attached: webAlwaysOutnumbered[1].jpg (472x354, 21.1K)

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Ní thuigim an eagrán seo
Agus má chiallaíonn tú cathair Los Angeles, ní teastaíonn "an" san abairt

Freisin, tá seasca-sé pharóistí in ard-deoise Los Angeles

*dhá-chéad ochtú seacht
léigh mé é mhícheart

tá tu aerach agus leispiach agmpa (ag gáire mo thóin as)

Attached: chen understand.png (500x339, 199.64K)

I don't think "aerach" and "Leispiach" being used like that, ie: "tá tú X" is right.
For one, aerach isn't gay in the fag sense, it's literally just "airy", and is only an approximate translation to the old meaning in english of "gay". It might even function the same way the prefix "aero-" does in english. Maybe the gay mafia has adopted that word for themselves but it's cringe Béárlachas if what they did was raid a dictionary for the word approximating the original English meaning of "gay".
It might be gramatically correct to say "Tá tú gay" (I'm not sure if it's legally valid), but I'm pretty sure it's not how the meaning of the phrase "you are gay" would be colloquially expressed in Irish even if the grammatical forms are most identical to the english. As far as I'm aware if you want to describe someone you don't use "tá" if you can help it, you use "is". So you'd say "Is fear gay thú".

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i see
well if the gay mafia have adopted the word then i dont want to incur their wrath in case they try a reprisal bumming on me
or do i...

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Anyone got that pastebin for Irish resources?
Want to learn the language since I have nothing better to do

i went to the archive and googled it for you

cant see you getting far if you didnt even think of that

b'fhéidir gur duine hómógnéasach thú

only 2 cases near me

Attached: chickenpox ireland.png (630x884, 465.41K)

I have a sore throat and some chills


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>still have to collect my stuff in my student accommodation thats paid up til May and in another county
>can't go down and do so because of this fucking quarantine

better county than country
theoretically you can just drive up


do a vocaroo

do a barrel roll


based mikey

heard about this mikey?

Stop giving the /br*t/ namefag attention

concern yourself with what you want to do and leave what others want to do up to them

Yeah. Big joe Joyce’s son hit him in the leg with a slash hook and severed his artery. Grim like. Didn’t mean to kill him. Three of them landed down with acid and weapons and try to do joe Joyce in and he pulled a slash hook and hit 2 or 3 of them with it. Unfortunately for the young lad he died

Anime posting mongoloid. Fuck back off to the Irish subreddit you shithouse and stay the fuck out of Brit you spastic

seethe more britishcocksucker

I can only imagine the state of the chap that rattled out this post


The only one that’s coping here is yourself you leprechaun

going after people with acid deserves it to be honest
not just a coward's weapon but a disfiguring one

Yeah. No need for any of that stuff like.