This is what I imagined my future is going to be like when I was a child

This is what I imagined my future is going to be like when I was a child

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is that leo?

You wanted to be a woman?


name of the video?

And this is why I can never take a woman seriously, gentlemen

orgy is degen

who cares about you? you are a russian!

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I paid in a brothel in Amsterdam while I lived there for work and had the time of my life. The first time I think I came within a minute or so. It gradually improved over time. My parents are devout Muslims so they were extremely angry when they found out and my Dad disowned me.

why would you imagine this?

worst of all, as a child

why would i imagine being a rich guy who fucks hot chicks?

Casual group sex makes me extremely uncomfortable

How the fuck did they find out?

Open up, fat

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>being a rich guy
this is what kikes dream of as children

Damn... I wish I were Leo... What's Gosling doing there btw?

The money was going very quickly. Eventually my Dad tracked my cash flow for months before he asked me over on Skype what I was doing with all that money. I came clean. I can't lie to my parents.

We live in degenerate times

Is this real?

Nigga really, why would you have sex before marriage and then even with a literal whore?

>I came clean
What a retarded childish mistake.
>I can't lie to my parents.
Well they're not your parents anymore are they? Lmao.

No it is CGI


Oh. Your post didn't suggest you became whore addicted. How much did you spend in total?

My mother still calls me at times but my Dad refuses to talk to me.
I used to be very religious as a child but college all fucked me up. In my first year, I would see all the cool kids drink beer and hang out but they were usually Hindus or Christians. Eventually it got to me and I began drinking too. Slowly, I ate pork for the first time at a dinner party. I don't consider myself Muslim anymore but I've to admit I did a lot of religious-breaking rule shit for social approval.

god I wish that were me
Sauce please before janny finds out

Around 11k EUR over a span of 5 months. Not just hookers, but also booze and buying useless shit.

Fuck, that's a lot of money, even by European standards.
Well, I guess that's what happens when you grow up in a sexually repressed and no fun allowed culture. Temptation overcomes you and you become a degenerate. Hope things get better for you, bro

is there a difference between pakistani and indian muslims?

well at least you've gained experiences that will stand to you for life

>upper class Indian
Ever wonder how many Pajeets had to live in the gutter and shit in the street so you could blow all that money on hookers and alcohol? Lmao.

>implying you wouldn't kill yourself if your rich dad disowned you, kike

White people are fucking subhuman, yuck.


>t. sells his 5yo daughter to sex tourists

T. Dumb rich pajeet

based korean

>pays negro to fuck his wife

Thanks bro.
Well, there is, definitely. But in the greater scheme of things most Paki and Indian Muslim diaspora blend together due to cultural similarities.
That was unironically the first thing my Dad told me, that so many people are starving in India and we're able to send you to Amsterdam, so I should've been more responsible.

Based Jean pierre


Sounds like a Southern American thing to me.

That’s sad man, I mean if you stop doing that shit and repent Allah will forgive you.

>that flag
>immediate and unrelated display of his obsession for BBC and cuckoldry
like clockwork

Mutt's Law
Your dad seems based. The only mistake he made was sending you to Amsterdam, the degeneracy capital of Europe. You never should've left India.

Lmao is that leo?

Also sauce before the tranny janny wakes up

this is some Alladin shit
>Be rich from some kingdome
>travel the world
>squander it anyways
typical middle eastern story

No way, woman looks about 10 years too old for Leo

don't have it

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