
we will meet again

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Who's the old woman?


Unless they die in solitude*

My arse is moist

he's called seaside because he stinks of FISH and SHIT

fucking hate the irish lads

Delving deep into /brit/ lore

Mental how Yanks are significantly better setup economically, governmentally and socially to deal with non-whites than Europe is.

European countries are gonna be fucked healthcare and welfare and violence wise once non-whites are around 35-40% whereas US can probably go down to 20-25% white and be ok since taxes are low (no healthcare for leeches), everyone is armed, everyone is segregated and there's white states and brown states. Plus they're not government bootlickers like most Europeans

Yanks might be rootless mutts but they're better prepared than anyone

I post this image in her and got two replies, while hans copies it and posts it on outer Yas Forums and gets 100

Imagine actually being a monarchist.

More pedos than the Catholic church.

why does rorke lie lads

I have no friends and I haven't seen my family in 5 years
Fuck you, Queenie.

hope janny deletes this pre page 8 thread

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200 million unemployed in a couple months is not "caused by the COVID10 pandemic", but caused by the inherent contradictions of capitalist production.

The media-inflated viral epidemic is the capitalist's alibi to protect themselves from any backlash.

Preparing for the end already are we cleetus?

taking a 5g death ray to the bollocks

grim post

>kids out playing in the street
Am I morally obligated to report them to the feds?

That's because Americans have had big non-white population since their country existed whereas our non-whites are post ww2 immigrants

Social life: NON EXISTENT

yep, it's SCHIZO time

Take your fucking L you pathetic little man.

Post you're scores lads

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Communists caused the entire pandemic because of their coverup and eating of bats

Stop with the fucking gay posts you sad cunts

Absolutely clueless silver car, no idea what lane he's in, most likely, a shitskin


the g in 5g stands for gamma rays

Rorke preparing 'chicken paste' sandwiches for the third consecutive day

I'm sure they're among your greatest fans.

Uhm based department

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You like what I like? Based and red pilled bro haha

Bit rude

What do you think the 2021 census is gonna be lol

Hope you lot have attacked your local 5G Tower, Even though it doesnt Cause Coronavirus it actively helps the Chinese spy on us and hasnt been proven to be safe, I DARE anyone to post proof that 5G is inherently safe

Whats going on in this thread; some kind of gay-off?

CIA arent communist

Sometimes I feel like a prophet, misunderstood under the gun like a new disease

leftypol's lunch: nutritious, balanced meal prep of some variety, seasoned to perfection
rorke's lunch: a cold ginster's pasty. cant even be arsed to pop it in the microwave for 2 minutes. maybe a squirt of brown sauce at the most.

Nice try, GCHQ.

100% subjects of Queen Elizabeth II

This thread moves with very much velocity.

Not gonna “play along” to suit you, ok?
you severely underestimate my intelligence.

light is green so he's just merging after moving away from the lights. Nothing really wrong there


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Go fuck your sister Cleetus.

Rorke well and truly down for the count

Ah yes, rorkes like Keith Floyd, Gordon Ramsay and Marco Pierre White
Whereas as leftypol turds like Melissa "Jack" Monroe think putting crisps in a tin of beans because of >muh poverty is cooking.
You fucking thick wog.

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