/v4/ + incels

Rise and shine my sunshines

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Other urls found in this thread:


What's going on with that dog

why do incels care so much about race when they could, you know, not care

She's a good girl
Why are Americans so obsessed with race

Blessing this thread

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>there's a parasite that infects rodents and humans and literally changes their behavior to be fond of cats so it can reproduce
Always knew that cat people were retards, but I didn't expect them to be literal zombies.


Attached: retarded cat person.jpg (501x435, 124.32K)

It's a dude and that's a hipster pony tail
t. met him at a spoken word poetry jam

What race are you taking about. All sport events should not take place.


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>it is allah's will that women remain in the kitchen

Attached: hijab wearer.jpg (1440x1775, 194.85K)

I want to pull her hair while taking her from behind

Because whites are superior

Anime desu.

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benis :DDDD

This. Fuck italians, irish, and germoids.

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>Said the spicnigger as he cried himself to sleep because he will never be white

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I am an incel.

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I don't feel like working today :(

Good morning sunshines :)

Gf forced me to get out if bed early, I'm soooo fucking sleepy.

416 get it hahah

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Russian qt still hasn't responded :(

I don't get it Ɓukasz

She deleted her account in an attempt to get rid of you politely, in case you haven't figured out yet.

n-no, she was always the first one to start conversations, she deleted it because I didn't bother to respond properly

She didnt respond because you dont have a porsche.

Should I make bolognese in slow cooker?


this must be it

Nice weather today, gonna go for a walk :)