Burning bears theory:
1. If a bear was born somewhere, it means that a car caught fire somewhere.
2. If a car caught fire somewhere, it means that a bear was born somewhere.
3. If a car burned down somewhere, then a bear burned down somewhere.
4. If you isolate a bear from burning cars, it will live forever. But so far, no one has succeeded. 5. So if you destroy all the cars (without setting them on fire), all the bears will become immortal.
6. If all the bears are burned, the remaining cars will never burn.
7. All bears (except polar ones) die when they get into a burning car, no exceptions. There is no separate "burning bear" entity.
8. The number of bears (with the exception of polar ones) is equal to the number of cars currently burning.
9. The bear and the burning car are opposite in nature to the particle and antiparticle.
10. A bear was walking through the forest. I saw the car on fire. I got into it and burned. This always happens. A bear always gets into a burning car.
11. Since the bear and the burning car are like particles and antiparticles, when the bear gets into the burning car, it turns into pure energy (annihilates) together with the car.
12. A burning car and a car are different things.
The burning car that the bear got into can no longer be extinguished.
13. Polar bears are the only ones who don't burn up in cars. To find out how they die, polar explorers are sent to the North pole.
14. In winter, cars do not burn because all bears that could burn are hibernating.
Burning bears theory:
We need the fit hat theory
any ideas?
>all bears until the age of cars didn't die
This is how your stupid theory falls, scum. theey would far outnumber the amount of cars into the 60-80s.
Yes, they were immortal and didn't reproduce
Ecли cyщecтвyeт мyжик, тo cyщecтвyeт шляпa кoтopaя eмy кaк paз.
Ecли мы coздaдим шляпy, тo aвтoмaтoм пoявляeтcя мyжик, кoтopoмy oнa кaк paз.
quantum entanglement of men and hats? like if you checked the direction of rotating man and later checked the hat, it will rotate too?
Also if you squeeze your head your hat will squeeze too
Yes. If we burnt hat, then one man died. Therefore burn hats is like killing people
Why is this joke so funny?
No. Just another hat will be expanded
If you make the head smaller, entangled hat wont change, but another hat that entangled with other head will expand?
Caмый интeллeхтyaльный тpeд, кoгдa-либo видeнный мнoю здecь.
Moe пoтчeниe.
Entanglement is like socks, if they are not on your feet, they are in superposition. Afrer you put yor first sock on the left foot, second immediately becomes the right sock, even if it on Mars.
For men and hats - it's easier if you imagine that they are like one enity but for 3D observers they are in two places. If you burn the hat, head will burn too, because in 4-dimensional perceptive he ALWAYS wear the hat.