There was a time when people all over the world looked at this continent as the apex of human culture and civilization...

There was a time when people all over the world looked at this continent as the apex of human culture and civilization but now it's just an ageing shell of its former splendor.
What went so wrong?

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>There was a time when people all over the world looked at this continent as the apex of human culture
uhh sweetie nice European lies.


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Unironically? Two world wars.


>What went so wrong?

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Nothing lasts forever

me on the left

Socialism destroys Western Europe like Communism destroyed Eastern Europe. Just slower.

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We don't care anymore, let's just wait for a decent VR system (chinese) that allows us to revive golden ages

Do it again general

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>Socialism destroys Western Europe like Communism destroyed Eastern Europe. Just slower.

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>Socialism destroys Western Europe like Communism destroyed Eastern Europe. Just slower.

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>Socialism destroys Western Europe like Communism destroyed Eastern Europe. Just slower.

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my day:
>wake up 0730
>eat some eggs and bacon
>go down to the beach, kayakk to town
>buy some wine and bbq
>walk back to the kayak, only white people, the post lady greets me with a smile while biking past
>see a guy fixing his boat, it's damned 300hp on that small fishing boat
>open a can of beer
>kayak back to my house

europe is great man

based and kayakpilled

Then how come the social democratic countries of the north are literally the most developed and happiest countries the world?

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He unironically looks like Celtic tribal warrior cheering his tribesmen to fight
It's funny how genetics works


they aren't socialist just giblands
Saudi Arabia is also a gibland but no one says it's socialist
real socialist countries turn to shit like Venezuela or whole Eastern Europe

Norway -> Oil, gas, low population
Denmark -> Ultra hardworking, gas, big territories and low population (Greenland, Feroe, mainland)
Sweden -> Inherited wealth from 100 years ago, low population, hardworking, yet going down.
Finland -> Similar to Sweden, but less rich.

You have the size of Spain and 5 times less population.

Besides that, Nordic socialism has changes. It's more like competitive socialism. Like private schools that you can access for free with government money, same for healthcare. Different from Med Socialism, which is lazy socialism.

Loss of religion

it lead to post-modernism, feminism, degeneracy, low birth rate requiring mass immigration to compensate.

Lol keep trying

They're benevolent dictatorships

>Inheriting anything

Finland has indeed never had anything but trees and war debt, we were starving and eating tree bark 100 years ago

More concerned about the state of that lad nearest the cam4era behind him.

>What went so wrong?
Germans and anglos

Filthy southoids too busy sucking popecock instead of advancing humanity. Don't even fucking reply to me if you're orange or lower, I don't want your (you).

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>What went so wrong?
The rise of ideology over realism. Continuous attempts in order to restructure European nations on the models of uniform political ideologies (all of them, doesn't matter whether it is an enlightenment/capitalist or a Marxist model).

I would say that your "socialist" or social democractic policies are more the result of continued prosperity than the cause, but I don't mean that as a bad thing, you're a good example of what future prosperous countries can do (except for the immigrants & demographics stuff, that shit's retarded).

The real reason that most of the northern countries are rich is because of 2 main reasons, lack of wartime destruction and geoeconomic factors (proximity to the industrialised center of europe being the main factor, while natural resources is another that applies to some countries).

For instance, Norway was occupied but not destroyed during WW2, Sweden was neutral and fine, Denmark surrendered immediately and was fine. Finland didn't suffer destruction in WW2 but did have the winter war, so it's kind of an outlier in the positive sense. In the geoeconomic factors, norway is hugely rich because of oil obviously, but even more important is that it is not threatened by any neighboring country and it is right on top of the european trading hub in northwestern europe. Same goes for Sweden regarding proximity as well as Denmark, with Finland benefiting as well thanks to baltic sea access and no communism. All in all though I would say Finland seems to stand out the most and is probably the only country in Europe which I would credit the most as making their own fate with what they have and as such are the most deserving of what they have.