Mainlanders pick on us island nations because they are angry and jealous

mainlanders pick on us island nations because they are angry and jealous

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I don’t line Iceland because the black female manager of your Costco was rude to my brown friend.

Then why do I pick on you?

My state is called island, despite not being an island

There’s a Costco in Iceland?

lmao imagine being sealocked

Yes. Unless my friend was lying to me and made the story up, which I don’t think he was.

your cunt friend probably deserved it
fuck you and fuck americans
the lord of the rings movies would probably have been shot in Iceland if they had been made a decade later
kiwi bastards

Fuck you faggot. My friend may have been a cunt but he was my cunt. Eat whale shit you hot spring nigger.

meet me outside Subway in 15 minutes, big mistake messing with me kid

the best island nations drive on the left

I could heem you in seconds. I could heem you with one hand tied behind my back. I could heem you with pillows on my fists. I’ll even let you go bare knuckle. I’ll fuck you so hard you’ll be screaming Uncle louder than you’ve ever screamed before, all because you decided to talk shit about my friend, you dumb Icelandic piece of shit. I’ll beat you so fucking hard that I’ll have a religious experience half way through and see the light of God and have pity on you. I’ll put you to sleep easy, but you’ll be so fucking out that you’ll be in a coma for years. You’re my nephew now, your father calls me brother because I’m your uncle now. Give me a fucking address now and I’ll go easy on you, or make it hard on yourself and let me have the pleasure of finding you myself. God you dumb piece of human waste I’ll give your girlfriend the first orgasm she’s experienced in years from just watching me best your ass. You sorry ass motherfucker, don’t even try to backpedal you’re already so fucked you don’t even know. I’ll take you to Costco when it’s over and you’re recovering from a coma and you’ll love my like a bitch loves his pimp.

utah island's not a place bro

i wish i was that fish

This a new copypasta?

Nordic Rankings
S Tier
Iceland / Faroe Islands

A+ Tier

A Tier
Denmark / Finland

B Tier

Shit Tier

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Any country that uses eg or jag or jeg is subhuman tier.

You literally have people eating feces in LA.
Fuck off.

Shut up reverse Norway

Icelanders have a lot more Celtic mix tho.

How come random macacos know so much about random countries? This isn’t meant as a jab just I see your flag often say random facts like this about countries sometimes

I can't answer for others, as for me, I just like reading a lot about history and other countries so you get random "knowledge" sometimes like that.

I imagine many Brazilians like to read about European countries too.

there is literally no argument for driving on the left like a mong
The bugs under my bed are attracted to my cum and when I'm done with you you'll be addicted to it. You really think you come in my thread, make threats, and everything will be fine? No I'm not backing down. No I'm not laughing it off. You said you could beat me up? how about you beat me off instead faggot? I'm fucking jacked kid and am standing here with my cock out waiting to be jacked off

I have never gotten anything but love and praise from mainlanders.

Fair enough that makes sense it’s just your flag is either really knowledgeable about random things or just very stupid.

Because the Faroes, unlike Scheißland, is actually a nice ground.

thank you blessed germany

Little pussy ass bitch post an address let’s see your scrawny ass run them hands. You won’t have anything to beat off when I’m done because you’ll be on HRT because you won’t be able to remain a man after being demolished by me, dumb little ho.

why would i pick on iceland, you have boattrucks, or truckboats, or whatever is it?

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I hate costco here
When I step inside of it I forget all of my english and just speak icelandic when some tard tries to speak to me in english

Rhode Island, retard. They were the last state to ratify the constitution.


Zero COVID cases here, we're fine.

I have to back up my cousin here and remind you that I will beat your lard ass harder than the wife beater I threw in the harbor on seamans day 2016


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