Thoughts about Turkey (Country)

Hi, so I am curious about what /int thinks about my country, Turkey. At first, yes we are technically inside Middle East but we are far from them in terms of lifestyle. We are more like Europeans. Our majority is muslim but most of us are not radical muslims. Ask any question or share your thoughts. Thanks!

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I don't care about your country Mohammad from istanbul, you filthy smelly brown Arab, if I was e prime minster I would kill all of you filthy brown smelly ayrabs

'ate Turks
Simple as

Does it snow in Turkey?

I don't like Turkey or Turks

I wish the Byzantines had accepted Islam so that they can be Muslim while still be Greek.

We are not arabic descent but okay.


Absolutely vomit inducing

dunno about turkey
but when I played a korean mmo there was this guild called Osmanli and they were rude as fuck
To be fair, I understand. when you don't speak english and people around you are talking non stop our egos make it seem like they're making fun of you

Yes, winters are very harsh at east side of Turkey. Around -15 'C

But why

Trashy people
>We are more like Europeans.

Honestly the worst, dead serious. Fucking filth.

why did you raid us and sell our people as slaves?

One with usernames as Osmanlı or ccc or Ataturk always be racist, they are living in the past

i don't like turkey much as a country, and i really don't like turks in my country. But maybe we get only the worst of turks

Well, that's what others done at that times as well. Why we are still so obsessed about past?

The problem is most of the turks that migrated to Europe are peasants who want a job, so they are uneducated and racist. But if you visit Turkey and see the educated ones, your view would change about us

they taught me some words
fahipe (with funny p)
orospu (funny p too)

Sounds comfy
>east side of Turkey
You mean Armenia?

Turkey as a state is disgusting with its history of genocide, expansionism, entitlement and meddling and Turks are among the worst people I've ever interacted on the Internet, perpetually racist, angry, butthurt, conspiracists, entitled, full of themselves and delusional

They are all curse words
Turkish people like teaching curse words to others
Türk müsün? Are you Turk
Fahişe Bitch
Kaltak also bitch
Orospu Çocuğu son of a bitch
orospu also means bitch as well

No, Kurdistan :D
Around Armenia and Azerbaijan sides

Neutral. It causes a lot of asshurt on this site. I think it's too early for the neo Ottoman tendencies though

Well sorry for bad experiences but what would you say if I say that my experience about you guys are similar that to yours?
Every country has problematic people and they are the most arrogant ones. ı been this place for 5 years but this is my first time posting. But refrain themselves simply because this seems meaningless.

I see. I just know some areas of Turkey are traditionally Armenian, like Mount Ararat
How similar is Armenia to Turkey, if at all?

Asshurt cased by Erdogan which half of the country hate but hey this is what you got with democracy in middle east

you can be "like" europeans but you are *not* europeans, as a whole, because you are too racially dissimilar. the land of turkey has been the enemy of europe since the muslim conquest and momentarily *allied with* europe (in the way foreign lands sometimes do) in world war one.

that said i think the bronze/copper/stone age archeology of the country is cool. i enjoy learning of the hittites and the turks (real turks) and so on.

It terms of what? Turkey is middle sized and each part of it is completely different than others

islamic nationalist culture

good cuisine


>what would you say if I say that my experience about you guys are similar that to yours?
That you're lying because I made you butthurt after you asked my opinion
>But refrain themselves simply because this seems meaningless.

yes, we are not Europeans and we do not want to be Europeans. We are happy with ourselves but I wanted to point out that we are not like other middle east countries, we are not arabs or we do not ride camels or we do not have deserts etc.

Do Turks shop at the bazar or is that only for tourists ?

I talk about westerners in general not people on here.

I mean trying to talk and change ideas of people is hard and most dont want to spend time doing that.

Historical asshurt too. Now when is turkey annexing Ilbrid and the other parts of northern Syria

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>I talk about westerners in general not people on here.
Mexico is Latin American not Western

We have bazars in small towns where most of the people do shopping but places like İstanbul or İzmir, only tourists visit bazars.

Still west for middle easterners.

I respect Turkey as a country, but I dislike Turks living in Germany for the most part. Not automatically, but many of them (especially the young ones) are really cringe. Turkey itself is alright, I like the food and I hear it's a beautiful country altogether. Interesting history as well. Then again, I dislike Erdogan and I think he's leading your country in the wrong direction. That's only my personal opinion though and what I think isn't this important since I don't live in Turkey and have limited information.

This is the dream of the country since the foundation. But I dont think this would be good because marked areas are culturally and ethnically different than us. Even Kurds are different than us.

Doesn't mean it's true

well thank you for your thoughts.Turks who live in Europe are mostly peasants who migrated there in 60s and 70s for work. But I also dont like them, they are uneducated and racist

all of them?!

I know, I just stated the thought of general people, both Europe and America as a whole is considered as West. I know Latin America is different than North America.

The Black Sea coast looks comfy.

It is but you cant swim in Black Sea, it is just too salty.

Thats why you use the arabs living in Turkey or the turks living in Europe and move them to the areas in northern Syria you control and then turkify them

To be honest, our politicians are not that smart but since our education is not adjusted for non Turkish people, it is true that we Turkify some unintentionally.

People here think you're sort of Arab-Russian mix country
Also popular tourist destination for Hajj side trips

They were born here, their parents were born here. Some already have grandparents born here. And yet they try to kill you if you tell them they're technically Germans. They know Turkey from vacations only and many can't even speak Turkish except for a few buzzwords like "para yok" they spread in youth culture like crazy, but they refuse to learn proper German in order to not be "Alman" in the slightest way. They're often nationalistic and pro-Erdogan, but vote left-wing here.

I know we're not the most welcoming country either, but they sure as hell don't take the prize for the best diaspora.

Many Germans like Turkey, but dislike Erdogan and Turkish diaspora. It sounds weird, but it's often the case.