What's your opinion on cultural appropriation?

What's your opinion on cultural appropriation?

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every magreb building we claim as ours, the pic one was destroyed 200 years ago

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every magreb building we claim as ours, the pic one was destroyed 200 years ago

that's basically my opinion on that appropriation,

Even Madrid comes from Arabic
I'm a fuckinf moor

I wish I could kill every fucking white bitch in a Native American Halloween outfit.

On the other way I'm glad the Pisa tower doesn't have any competition now

Rewriting history is cringe
Cultural appropriation, as in, for instance, wearing a Chinese dress as a white girl, is a sign that your culture is expanding, it is the goal of every culture.
When half of the planet speaks English, the Englishman doesn't think "OH NO THEY'RE APPROPRIATING MY CULTURE"
He's smart enough to know that his culture expanding its influence is good for him, only brainlets see it as wrong.

nonsense. Shakespeare was catalan.

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No, Tjock Spärr was Swedish.

Actually Sisuspöre was 100% Finnish

As always turks are redpilled

Have sex ASAP

Ahem, he was Russian from the Šekšpanič Novgorodian family and his name was Volodimir

Vilijem Kopljar was Croatian

No you're a fucking german barbarian that pillaged and raped hispania then realized what shit eating savages you are and gave up your culture, language, amd religion for the latin one. Then you got half-bred by the moors.

Guglielmo "Lo Sceicco" Spare was a sicilian man of arabic descent

Shale Peere was most certainly a Canadian man

Go back on reddit

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Don't you mean Wilhelm Skakspjut?

go back on ukraine

what the hell is a 'native american outfit' sounds fake and therefore not your problem

>Completely genocide Patagonian tribes
>100 years later sell plushies of them and their bodypaint

Attached: plushies genocided selk'nam tribe la moneda museum.jpg (320x240, 24.81K)

Shaquela Speardega was a BLACK AFRICAN (but whitey wont tell you dat)

i was watching this documentary about egypt and apparently nubians (black) actually ruled egypt for some time
>tfw the memes are true
>tfw we wuz kangs

The meme is making fun about blacks claiming all dynasties as even Cleopatra which was from the Ptolemaic Dynsaty (Macedonian origin). We all knew that the Nubians are black

What's a Patagonia?

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>I'll be having a Patagonia with a side of fries

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The Southern tip of South America, it wasn't conquered by the Spanish Empire and was only annexed by Chile and Argentina in the second half of the XIX century. Chilean Patagonia has the same climate as Iceland.

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Yeah the Nubian dynasty lasted for like 60 years or something. They invaded Egypt claiming they weren't worshipping the Egyptian gods properly

If it was not for those idiotic plushies I guarantee you nobody would even know about the existence of those ragtag redskins.
You should be glad capitalism exists and preserves parts of forgotten/isolated cultures.

Hmmm. So Pattygonia is a hamburger? I'm sorry sir, that's not on the menu so you can pata-go-away

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