/manlet cope/

>tfw I will always be a manleto (165cm)

How do you cope with being a manlet in your cunt?

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Are you at least handsome? If you are handsome you can fuck plenty of short women.

Come to Brazil. You will be just another manlet in a sea of manlets but with the added exotic factor.

178cm here. I don't have a single friend. No gf. Nothing. I will always be a manlet, rejected by the world. I should have been born a girl.

No, even an ogre is better looking than me

The average brazillian is still taller than me, plus they would probably make fun of my alentejano accent

>178 cm
Fuck you, I wish I was 178 cm, if you feel bad about your height remember that there are many people shorter than (you)

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178 isn't even manlet, you're 2cm away from 180

Portugal is a sea of manlets too.

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170 cm here and the average height here is pretty high

sucks to get height mogged by almost every other male, but it is what it is

It's different here in Finland. Manlet cutoff point is 185cm. My father is even shorter than me, 169cm, and my mom is like 155cm. I hate them for breeding.

175cm. i'm okay with my height because it could be worse like OP

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I use drugs to cope with my 166cm height

You can always do that, you know.

>174cm in das Deutsche Kolonie von Wisconsin
I had no chance.

I am 177 and had plenty of gf. the absolute height does not matter you just have to be taller then your gf

stfu you are not even manlets go kill yourselves

Epa os putos de hoje em dia são altos para caralho, eu com 184cm ás vezes sinto-me manlet apesar de Portugal ser a capital europeia dos manletos.

Eu acho que os zoomers daqui estão encolhendo em relação à minha geração. Tenho 184cm também e durante o ensino médio, metade dos caras eram mais altos do que eu. Hoje vejo esses zoomers de 14-20 anos e a maioria não passa dos 180cm.

I fuck girls taller than me (170cm).

Dude worry dude
Portuguese guys are shorter, it's genetic. Nothing you can do about it so why worry?
Shorter guys tend to have long dicks (Ron Jeremy for example). How big is yours?

>How do you cope with being a manlet in your cunt?
be obnoxious, loud and intrusive

17 cm, am I safe?

A 5'5" guy still height mogs a 5'1" girl and there are plenty of them around

My dick is 0,5cm bigger than yours

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mine 16,9 cm i don't know if that's big or not


>straight up asking a stranger's dick size

no homo, right?

Didn't know 17 cm was the dicklet cutoff

It's high average though from your perspective it probably looks small
I always think my dick is super small and mine is just 0.5-1cm shorter than yours so

I am 179 slavcel and i am khhv

Just fucking with you because i'm 0,1cm bigger. I honestly don't know the dicklet cuttoff.

Weird, I'm a 175cm zoomer and most of my (male) classmates were taller than me, a lot of them were well past 180cm

Whatever, nobody fucking cares outside Yas Forums echo chamber

>tfw 1,68m bvll
honestly it sucks because every single good looking woman wants a tall dude, other than that it's pretty ok

Apperantly the average penis size worldwide is around 15cm so you're defenetly safe

183cm mestizo here. Feels great when I mog a European. Oh yeah, this is coom worthy. Fuck, I'm orgasming. Feels awesome to mog a superior being, how is this even possible?

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When I was in highschool most people in my class were way taller than 175 cm, I stopped growing at about 16 so it really fucked me seeing everyone grow past 180 cm

Opposite for me, my torso is really long so I look taller when I sit down

Just find a womanlet

Damn I always tought I below average

I thought that was the average moortuguese height

I cope by not being one at 182cm.

Average height in both Portugal and Turkey is 173 cm

It's even shorter than that.
Porn has really warped what people think is the actual average.

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This only applies to amerilards, lmao imagine having a smaller average than asians

>you will always be a manelt jawlet dicklet brainlet balding poorfag

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