The Most Holy Virgin Mary, Queen of Poland, save us from the COVID-19 edition.
/v4/ + frens
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Based edition
ok this is epic
where did you find this picture of me
>50 push-ups
whoa, I'll sore tomorrow
But the Polish Mary is black
Mary has many pictures than looks like all ethnicities because she's mum of every Christian
God I'm so lonely
Slon, does your gf like Friends?
Whoever manufactured life and programmed it to follow the principles of evolution is one sadistic fuck. Just imagine how many deformed, sick individuals it took for each species to evolve a new trait.
I think God takes pleasure in our suffering.
I think women have no soul.
Speaking of women, femorrhoids from my university are mobilising for some kind of "Polish women's march" on Facebook. I don't even wanna check what it is, because I'd just get triggered anyways.
Didn't Premier Kaczynski banned abortions?
Don't think so but women always find a reason to complain
Remember when a group of Polish Incels hacked foids and let the world know their inherit corruption.
ah yes those screencaps were quite juicy indeed
I don't
Magyarország anons: Are there any spiritual podcasts you recommend? To a burger trying to learn magyarul
It was like a year ago
She is a tranny.
noooo doctor must agree to kill my little child it is my human right
why are people like this?
Foids never evolved to be rational, because they were selected based on their looks.
I wish my mother aborted me. Being an unwanted child sucks.
>It was like a year ago
Long story short: they all cheat, and most of them had sexual partners numbering by the dozens by the time they turned 18.
Don't ok me. Some polish incels infiltrated women only Facebook groups or something. Then they screenshooted their foid ways then they posted it online.
And of course the foids got buttblasted and started screaming about muh privacy and muh patriarchy. Women are truly the rats of humanity.
It's the 6 decade old story. Women ride the cock carousel and then they settle with likes of Sloni. If I were Sloni I couldn't look at my gf without hatred.
spiritual in what way
Meditation, talking about God. Anything - just something to help find some light while learning magyarul. I would be immensely grateful for any leads
just download an audiobook of csodaszarvas and take some magic mushrooms