I've spent over €3000 on weed in 2020

I've spent over €3000 on weed in 2020

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>paying money to rot your brain


i support weed but why don't you just grow your own?

unless you make a lot of money and 3000 is nothing to you

I earn €23 an hour
not that much but it'll do

What is the price for 7 grams of indoor in your legal shops?

i smoke weed almost every other day but only because i quit cigarettes and now i basically cheat by doing it
i put like 95% tobacco when i roll

How do you even smoke that much? You would have to constantly be high every second of every day to go through $3500 worth of weed in 4 months

Then you didnt quit ciggarettes

next question

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I ask the same thing when people talk about needing ounces of weed but often these people cannot roll joints and instead put it in bongs and vaporizers

you shouldn't smoke that much 2bh. smoking 2 times a week or so with friends is much more enjoyable than getting high everyday all day

>Tfw born sven

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ah then you're golden. blaze it.

don't be a hater i used to smoke a pack every day and now i basically just have a little craving every other day which i take care of with the weakest joint in the world

It sounds like weed is way overpriced there

If he was only dabbing shatter or something for $80 a g I could see someone doing that here.

Should've invested that into growing your own

tbqh i also stockpiled for the coming months

How much you've earned with it?

In college days I spent about 120 USD on 32 grams per month.

Ever considered cooking your weed and making brownies or whatever? It's a better high, more efficient use of the weed, and obviously it doesn't roast your lungs and throat. Might be something to look into if you're into weed that much. I don't smoke at all anymore except maybe if I'm out and a joint is being passed around.

Edibles are great but they also require you to do work for a prolonged period of time which isn't something stoners like to do

Wish I had 2g right now. I WANT TO GET HIGH, DAMMIT!

my father grows my weed for me in his garden...

Based, I’ve probably spent close to $2500 canabux myself

>there are people ITT that can order weed online and get it delivered to their house, legally
I am seething

Based if you can afford it. Sometimes I feel bad when I realize how much money and time I've spent on weed and how I could have developed a new talent or hobby. Starting to find a balance now so I'm not too upset.
Those weed cafes you guys have over there seem comfy I'd like to visit your cunt for that.

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>It sounds like weed is way overpriced there
8-10 euros is the quality/price balance point
above 12-14 euros it better be really good shit and even then it's probably not worth it unless it some rare or experimental strain
bellow 8 euros god knows what you are smoking, best case scenario it's garbage skunk

Per gram?

are you talking about shatter or flower?

per gram