Every time a German opens this webm, he dies.
Every time a German opens this webm, he dies
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it's true that some of these annoy me - like the dishwasher part. have you ever lived with someone who's as inefficient as that? your water bill will go through the roof
Info-mercial incompetence montage. Just add a black and white filter with a narrator saying something along the lines of "Oh no! You fucked up!"
There exists a webm or a gif of a German man being interviewed. In the course of the interview he cuts the corner of the pouring spout of a milk carton with scissors before opening it, and it just shoots out of off the sides everywhere when he tries to pour the milk into a glass. Anyone have that? it's a stitch.
That's a solid webm. Woudn't mind seeing it again myself.
Most of those really annoy me. Reminds me of how much my older brother, and to some extent my dad too, would unintentionally annoy me with those type of things.
These posts read like they were made 15 years ago
This is hilarious, the wet spoon fucking killed me
I don't get it.
kill yourself
This way of opening the bag chips is patrician
i have never seen this.
could use a good laugh
streotype of germans being strict and doing everything perfectly so this video would annoy them
its a very true stereotype
i went germany and there was like 15 germans crammed by the traffic lights waiting for it to go green before crossing the road despite the street being empty, no cars at all
only people crossing were me and some Turkish and Arab dudes
I want to cut myself
I do that aswell, even when its 4 am and there's absolutely no sign of any human being. I still wait for the green light
i dont get it why would this kill g*rmans ?
I can't just blindly follow the law like that.
haha it really do be like that
>Every time any sane person opens this webm, he dies
Why do people do this? It just makes me upset watching this shit
I presume this to be a sketch
You are proto Germanic.