

Attached: IMG_20200414_194447.jpg (716x716, 99.22K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Pilate saith unto them, What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ? They all say unto him, Let him be crucified. 23And the governor said, Why, what evil hath he done? But they cried out the more, saying, Let him be crucified. 24When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing, but that rather a tumult was made, he took water, and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person: see ye to it. 25Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children.

this is why the rest of the board doesn't take us seriously

lol look at the faces they're making and how sweaty the runty conductor is youtube.com/watch?v=WT1T6BwojXI

Imagine the smell
shut up fat

Nobody respects any of the generals because you're all attention whore fags
t. leaving and hiding the thread now

Fuck this edition - edition.
nth for Swedish genocide

His cock is in the wrong place.
shadman anatomy/10

new orleans is definitely the asshole of america

Good fuck the rest of the board

I don't play map painting games because I am going to paint the real world map in fire and blood.

he'll be back
they always come back

Good night, cum.

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Dont be rude to me


this is me

Nighty night.

Damn u ugly lul

oops forgot my trip
ive never finished cuphead

good edish

Unofficial /cum/ census

>After Anonymous Tip, 17 Bodies Found at New Jersey Nursing Home Hit by Virus
they just had them all stored in a shed.

There is no such thing as sexual orientation. There are normal reproductive humans and homophile freaks.


I hate bullethell games.

expired toothpaste lole


Brutal. Sometimes you've just gotta do what's necessary.

new jersey is based as fuck

my dad can lift more than your dad

Attached: IMG_20200414_164434.png (606x434, 492.21K)

I want to be like Oreki.

Attached: Hyouka fa.jpg (1441x2194, 719.28K)

small pp



one time I saw my father lift a washing machine full of water by himself off the ground into his truck without showing much of any effort at all

man Id fuck the shit out of Oreki

Nuh-uh, my dad could kick your dad's ass.
On a serious note, don't post images of your family here. Come on.

Also why he is pissing on Cuba?

why is having a peepee so inconvenient?

>lifting on stone floor
What if he fails? That rug isn't going to protect the stone.

>jackets and three undershirts
Cant believe I was /fa/ all along buds

redditor term

Please. Let's not talk about penises for a minute.


I have downloaded all of her artwork and along with countless photos of her. I have fantasized over her for the last few months. I'm thinking of spending a few thousand on a custom sex doll of her. She is the most beautiful woman (physically and personality wise) to ever exist, and I wish I could make love to her in real life. She will forever be my goddess, and I will worship her. I even began to learn Spanish for her.

My Mexican princess, Frida...

Attached: 1586984919105.png (900x900, 1.2M)

answer me bitch

Peepee is by far the most convenient genital format when compared to a vagina or a sexual reassignment hole

vaginas are lovecraftian holes full of nothing but dread

>no race questionnaire
what kind of census is this?


Having a peepee isn't inconvenient. It's having a big peepee.

Can't tell you how many times I wake up and have to readjust my penis's position in my pants.

That is a cardigan. I like his sweater the most. I need to get more sweaters, they are effay.

Those look like those weighted rubber plates. The floor will be fine.


Attached: DISGUSTING.png (93x65, 12.25K)

bitches outchea fuckin Lev Bronstein

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Very Well.
Unofficial /cum/ census

Where's the Italian option?

>Can't tell you how many times I wake up and have to readjust my penis's position in my pants.
this but with balls

want this atm

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transexual is not a sexuality...

Sure, Trump has flaws. He's not the brightest mandarin in the fruit bowl. But he's no big issue.
The real threat is that deranged theocrat side kick of his, Pence. He's the Legate Lanius to Caesar's Legion.

Wheres the human race??

Do I look like Oreki? I don't own any deep v t-shirts.

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youre all "lesbians" anyway

Why are you being rude?

he called it white for some reason

I didn't make that one.
I've added the other two to my original strawpoll.

i do NOT find women sexually or romantically attractive at all
it gives me the yuck
im not being rude i know cara i can call him bitch bitch is not an insult when it come out of my mouth (or fingers)