We're better than you.
We're better than you
Other urls found in this thread:
wasteman ting innit
Have gaysex
But I am you
We're better than whoever posts after me.
were border of light?
based paki dabbing on anglocucks
>We're better than you
>brexit happens
>le epic brain moment
ayyyy lmao xDDDD :DD you suck lol LOL ROFL XDD
are you fucking serious right now
come home brothers :)
I've seriously had my impression of the UK destroyed by looking from town to town in streetview and quite commonly seeing nothing but this or worse. It's grim, and it hurts my soul, they're all the same! The SAME, exactly the same, no matter where they are, with the same grey sky! I'm seriously going mad, this is the abyss.
British Shocked
you are right, and that proves him wrong
Cope on thirdies
Their countryside looks very nice, though.
as if US doesn't have copypasted places like this
Yes it's very similar to my own county's topography, minus the overcast months and grim houses.
its really doesn't, this is like a country made of dominoes
We're better than everyone.
"thirdie" that lives better than you
Good one!
This is not surprising, as the third world is an anachronistic terminology for regions of the world where the free and communist worlds sought to foster and maintain influence. It is not some nebulous term for countries that are in the opinion of the author, "shitty."
Yeah, from your shithole to the greatest place on earth.
would rather live in my small house in a ugly concrete jungle than be a soulless arab freak in the desert