This is the average 19 year old American

this is the average 19 year old American.

Attached: USC chads.jpg (1228x1280, 195.98K)

What kind of jobs do they get?


STEM ones. Probably they're all rocket scientists

strong cute boys

i want to smell their burger feet


all that gear and fancy lookin shit to be the backup kicker

why do they have headband on their arms and legs

I am 19yo and people think everytime I am 15yo

theyre 19? I thought they were in high school

i want to fuck those twinks

they aren't twink though
but I want to fuck them too

It's usc jerseys so they are somewhere between 19-22

They're unironically breaking their heads lmao

from me

NFL/NBA/Baseball. they make millions.

why aren't they fat if they're average?

Guy on the left went to school for real estate devolpment his name is Wyatt Schmidt
Only guy I could find

maybe french twinks are different, but twinks in my country are lean, hairless bois with dick sucking lips

Actually nevermind that is comprised different person

kek and he was literally the back up punter like said

I don't know, but I think twink refers to boys with rather slender bodies
these guys are buffed

and I would fuck them

It's the wrong guy

Far left is named Connor spears and the guy in the middle is named David mellstrom

Left - certainly gay
Mid - quite possibly gay
Right - certainly gay

looking like a fag doesnt make you gay

I hope so

Attached: autism.jpg (512x512, 34.6K)

what are you, a homophobe?

Middle > Left > Powergap > Right

sucking cock doesn't automatically mean you are gay

No it isn't. The average 19 year old is too out of shape to play football.