Russian Apreciation Thread

What is Yas Forums's favorite thing about Russia? The literature perhaps?

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When they're not being selfhating bitches or Putin shills they're some of the better posters around

the people

Дpyзья мoи :)

Just kidding, this is a russian janny hate thread.

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When is that though?

I absolutely love the very fine russo-caucasian mutt gentlemen in swtizerland who works for free by moderating a board for people on the spectrum and deletes any threads relating to russia or implying any negativity towards them

I like how they treat dumb sycophants who try to heap praise on their country.

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I like their music. I found out about Molchat Doma Moлчaт Дoмa just the other day and now I want to learn their language

I never shill for Putin and I'm never self-hating (or russophobic). I guess I'm always one if the best posters around then.

Here is your Russia bro:

I like their unique culture. I wish they weren't so anti-west and stupid, though.


Mean words from you. I think we better support each other since we both are in the same shitty boat

Russian food - Caviar, blini, kotleti, honey cake, borodinsky bread etc etc.

The Russian weightlifting team.

Russian programmers specially graduates of MSU, SpbSU ITMO, MIPT.

I like a metal band from there called Aria. Some of their music is dope.


Russian girls ofc

give me 1 (one) reason why any third worlder should dislike Russia

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I took the language test (for military cryptolinguists) just for fun, just to see what I would've gotten. Cryptolinguists learn foreign languages to collect intel on other countries and analyzing it. Pretty much spying on them. I got to the category that said I can study any language the military needs, so I mentioned it when I spoke to my Russian boyfriend.

He asked, "What language are you gonna learn?"

"I can learn anything, but I am gonna learn Russian, so I can spy on you and your country."

"Okay, you can spy on me and my country." he chuckled, "We have mountain. We have beach."

"And cute girls playing on the beach."

"with nice butts." he adds.

"When the American military sends drones to other countries, they're not looking for intel or see what the Russian government is doing. They just want to look at hot girls in other countries playing volleyball at the beach."

"The important things. Who cares about anything else?"

"Yes, very critical information. The drone comes back with pictures of butts in bikinis and the soldier gives it to his officer. 'Hey boss, we got intel on the Russians. Are we winning yet?' then officer tells him 'Good job, Private. These are very critical information. I will go study these in my office now. Alone.' and then behind the closed door the soldiers hear a mysterious fapping noise. He's been in there for a while so they think he must have found something important."

"Yeah, just another day in the army."

I then told my bf, "just kidding, I want to learn it so I can live with you." and he gave out a hearty laugh, turning me on a little.

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russian boys

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I like qt russian anime characters.

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they brought communism to Latin america and made everything worse, look at venezuela and cuba

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I like how resourceful they are and their sense of humor.

are south americans the gayest?

the people

Everything. Literature, art, cities, landscapes, music, language and yes, women.
I want to visit Sochi in the winter, hopefully this Corona madness is over by the time.

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Coюз Coвeтcких Coциaлиcтичecких Pecпyблик

That should be their fault for embracing it.

based. after you're done listening to their discography you should listen to Ploho

blonde hair and blue eyes

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I love and admire Russian culture and I'm glad that Russia is teaming up with China and Iran to defeat the degenerate Western neoliberal world order.