ebonics of spanish, and they use formal speech too.
>tenés, decí, comé
t. chicano
pegate un tiro
I've got a worse one fa m
>vos sos
>free word order
você is even worse.
Unless vos users have also managed to eliminate an entire verb form from their language.
I thought Latinxs were supposed to be Chads, wtf is this Reddit thread?
>vo' erí'
google translate tells me this all means you. is this some kind of meme?
>vuesa merced
>Vuestra merced
brown countries say "tu"
white 100% arian countries like argentina say "vos"
brown countries: tu eres gordo
white countries: vos sos gordo
ok but argentina isnt white, only spain and costa rica are
ascended countries: vo' erí' gordo
the english language is so simple and boring
>vossa mercê
waiting for
to become official lads
t brownentinian
El Salvador and Guatemala say vos.
We have the same problem with tu / vous
>la persona con la cual estoy participando en un discurso oral
Is it unironically offensive if I call people tu?
No we don't. Argentines and Centracas use Vos as Tu. We don't have this
Look up sumercé
no its just first world spanish
Not the same because the equivalent to "vous" in Spanish would be "usted/ustedes".
>tu tío
costa rica isn't white, around 26% of costa ricans score between 70-100% euro. no country in the western hemisphere is white, not even canada
It baffles me languages can be so brainlet to not have a word for You (plural). How is it possible? It is the most natural thing. Is it a result of having 100 retarded conjugations so adding yet another pronoun would make it even worse?
No. Even if you use it at the wrong time know one is going to be offended by a foreigners mistake
true, we are all new worlders who have mixed european and indigenous heritage.
not offensive but in colombia outside of the caribbean coast if you call other men "tu", they will think you are homosexual or trying to mak advances or are a weirdo. I'm not even kidding. In inland colombia just call everyone usted or vos to avoid any kind of confusions