The closest I got is when I visited San Diego which is across the border from Mexico.
It's just a dangerous and poor area filled with brown (hispanics) and black people (brazil)
I don't want to get beheaded or robbed.
The closest I got is when I visited San Diego which is across the border from Mexico.
It's just a dangerous and poor area filled with brown (hispanics) and black people (brazil)
I don't want to get beheaded or robbed.
but Shahar, you have many fans here
shahar is racist, this is the proof of it
> I never visited this area and never want to visit it (Latin America)
no one cares
>The closest I got is when I visited San Diego which is across the border from Mexico.
who cares
>It's just a dangerous and poor area filled with brown (hispanics) and black people (brazil)
who cares
>I don't want to get beheaded or robbed.
no one cares
I wished your countrymen had your same mindset. Really tired of israelis fucking up our beaches, opening brothels and disrespecting authorities here
respect mah authoritaaah
You depend on our tourism money Pablo, you brown hispanic criminal.
shut up jew, hope you get gassed soon
you better stay away
I never want to feel your shithole narcostate country Pedro.
It's filled with violent brown hispanic criminals like you.
oy vey those goys are so violent *kills infants* *bombs cities into rubble*
nobody cares jew, fuck off
You're not a real country
we literally depend on oil, coffee, flowers and fucking drugs. As long as you keep being a degenerate in your cunt, we'll be fine
What oil? Even Ecuador has more oil than your shithole.
But we greatest ally now, Shahar.
even then, oil, carbon and iron ore our main sources of income. We literally pump more oil right now than Venezuela and sell gasoline to them as bizarre as it sounds
Reminder that Shahar was literally MADE for BBC
Well said, safety is more important than to enjoy the scenery. Visiting this continent is an irresponsibility.
What scenery pablo?
You brown amerindian with low IQ.
All your cities and villages are ugly and rundown.
You are brown
Israel isn't even a real country, chill. Get in the oven or sum'.
True. By scenery I mean nature.
yes, stay away from my country schlomo
But Shahar we love you here!
As if I ever wanted to visit your poor and dangerous shithole Pablo.
Recently two British tourists were murdered in broad daylight in buenos aires.
shahar you basically look like one of my best friends from chilhood, but slightly browner and with a unibrow, you both have double chin
>National Forestry Corp. director Elizabeth Munoz criticized “Israelites” for “cultural bad behavior” after three Israeli tourists were expelled late last month from the Torres del Paine National Park for switching on a portable mini stove in an unauthorized area, the El Mercurio newspaper reported.
>“I have been reviewing the statistics and since 2012 we have had 36 expulsions, of which 23 were Israelites, and these three are also Israelites. It seems they have the culture of not obeying and going against the rules,” she said.
Why do Israelis do this? I'm pretty sure Israelis tourists are basically a net loss since you have to clean after those animals.
Let's keep it that way.
>oil, carbon, and iron are our main sources of income
Is there no industry (or service industry for that matter) whatsoever in Colombia? Seems like your cunt is over-reliant on natural resources, though then again most lat countries are.
They are too stupid and low IQ to produce or invent anything.
shahar, just get out of the closet already
schlomo you live in a shithole were a bomb could fall on your head at any moment, just shut the fuck up
btw the murderer was a venezuelan immigrant who arrived to argentina a week before that, not totally our fault lol
of course commerce is huge. However, industry, as in the rest of latam, not so much. But yeah we do have a small industry as well
I think it's beans
they say it's full of iron and has a desirable ammount of proteins but I suppose the drawback is being easily baited
please stay far away from here, actually stay far away from everywhere but israel
wise decision
The only thing you produce is cocaine pablo, you brown hispsnic.
How about hindustan shahar? Visit us please and fuck our women you olive skinned unibrowed chad from tel aviv.