Pic related is what is called God's Hexagram. It's a holy symbol and can be found in many temples here.
Pic related is what is called God's Hexagram. It's a holy symbol and can be found in many temples here
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a golden cage of cuckery
aryan west honary aryan east and south asian pure aryanism
thats what the future could have been
no, I was more pointing at the fact that it's a Swastika with a Star of David.
cool anecdote india, very nice
plenty of the old testamente clearly is copycat from hindu mithology
originally found on the temple of Baal in Palmyra Syria
it's the star of Remphan (Saturn)
the star and crescent also has its origin in Baal worship
I have this stickied on my door. My mother said it represents God and removes away all the demonic spirits.
I never knew it had symbols under it.
Always thought it was just a slab or rock
this became the star and crescent moon you now see in the flags of islamic countries
This is from a Hindu temple.
Well, opinions differ. I'd say it is completely the opposite. Think about the origin of the term "hex", "to hex".
There are swastikas to be found in Baalbek too. In Palmyra it is mostly hexagrams.
The up triangle represents Shiva, the male because its “erect”, the down arrow represents Shakti, the female because its pointing down, the traditional female sex position, the combination of the two along with the Swastika represents the power of all consciousness aka the Supreme.
Kaaba also represents Saturn and its rings. It goes back way before islam, the black meteor inside was part of a Venus cult (Al-Lat in Arab) prominent in the Greek/Middle-Eastern world at one point. There was also a similar temple in Cyprus. The black meteor represents Venus' vagina.
oops wrong pic, but it resembles it
This is Ishtar aka Isis, also counterpart of Venus. Again the crescent moon and star/sun.
Weren't those built by the Roman tho?
I'm not very knowledgable on history.
Part was build by the Romans, but the main structures especially in Baalbek are much older than Romans, go back to the megalithic age that also brought us Stonehenge and Pumapunku. This was likely before the Great Flood. When you see the massive stones like pic related in Baalbek. It's in one piece and still in its quarry.
I never went to baalbak but I'm planning on doing so.Il try to take note of the symbols I. See ther
this ,i have read every interesting thread of the similarities of hinduism and judaism and there seem to be some overlap between them probably an indo iranian tribe influecing semites tribes in the late bronze age
the hexagram is just two compenetrating triangles which represent linga and yoni (purusha and prakriti) and the swastika (rotation around an immutable center) represents the vivifying function of the Principle in relation to the cosmic order
>Have you ever noticed that Abraham and his wife Sarah of the old testament are nearly identical in name to Brahma and his wife Saraswati of the Hindu religion?
Abraham is said to be the father of the Jews, and Brahma, as the first created being, is often seen as the father of mankind…’ We might also note that the name of Brahma’s consort Sarasvati seems to resonate with that of Abraham’s wife, Sarah [… each one’s identity as a wife and/or sister]. Also, in India, the Sarasvati River includes a tributary known as the Ghaggar…. According to Jewish tradition, Hagar was Sarah’s maidservant
Abraham/Sarah and Brahma/Saraswati are not the only overlapping figures between Hindu and Hebrew traditions. Ajit Vadakayil points out that there is also Adam/Eve and Adhama/ Havyavati, along with Noah and Nyuha or Manu
Brahma as Father of All , while Abraham as Father of many nations
Brahman Milky Way is the Celestial Cow/Dolphin; with 14 Constellations on right side of Milky Way and 14 Constellations on the left, while Abraham’s star-like descendants number 14 generation from Abraham to King David; 14 from David to the Babylonian exile and 14 from Babylon to Jesus.
Brahma and Sarasvati dwelt 100 years together then bore their first son, while Abraham was 100 when Sarah, at 90, bore Isaac .
>lets review some part of the old testament
>On that day, YHWH will punish
with his heavy, great and strong sword
the Leviathan, the Àeeing serpent,
yes, the Leviathan, the writhing serpent ±
he will kill the dragon in the sea.
>leviatan is Early Indo-European influence of the Northwest Semitic world may have
come from various sources.17 Two of these are especially relevant: the
Anatolian Indo-European speaking cultures of Asia Minor (especially Hittites and Luwians) on the one hand, and Indo-Aryan inÀuence (probably
mediated through the Mitannians, who while mainly being ethnically
and linguistically Hurrian had a clear Indo-Aryan inÀuence or stratum
in their onomastics and traditions as well
>As an example of the possibly parallel dragon slaying mythology from
Vedic India, lets look at to this piece of text:
>He who after slaying the serpent released the seven rivers,
he who drove out the cows that were held back by Vala,
he who between the two rocks gave birth to ¿re,
victorious one in battles ± he, O men, is Indra!
>In both cases, we have tales of a young, stereotypically ‘manly storm god, using lightning
as his weapon (in Indras case, often identifed with his so-called 9DMUD,
compare with the lightning-shaped ‘cedar weapon used by Baal in the
Baal Cycle and depicted on the Baal au foudre stele) defeating a terrible
serpent. And just as Baal receives his weapons for destroying the sea god
Yamm (an ally of the sea serpent) from the craftsman god Kothar-waHasis, Indra receives his weapons from the Vedic craftsman god Tva
>but what about the principal god itself? a storm god lay behind the earliest conceptualization of the Jewish god YHWH according to jewish historians
so YHWH was probably a relative of indo european indra thor or zeus
>and can genetics help us resolve the mistery?
>yes it can ,ashkenazi levites alongside kohanites the jewish priestly class have one of the highest proportion of r1a halogroup in the world around 60% and their derivate is not from a recent eastern european source but much more ancient when sintashta tribe the so called indo iranians were conquering all the middle east around 1600 bc .
>there is no doubt that an indo european tribe like mitanni or hittites conquered the proto hebrews among many others and imposed thenselfs as a priestly and a warrior class over the semitic masses introducing the idea of supremacism that at that time was only a concept developed by aryans specially the indo iranian branch.
>spaniards still mantained a non indo european language for milenia even when they were 30-40% indo european genetically until romans conquered them
>and more interesting mitannis an indo iranian tribe living side by side with the levant only the elite spoke indo european so it wouldnt be extrange that jews would have adopted without changing the language
>but what about yahve itslef the principal god of jews?
you dont need to change anything to know that they are related is self evident
prehistoric Proto-Indo-European: Dyeu, Greek: Zeus, Latin: Iovis – E-yoh-vis, Latin stem: Iov – E-yoh-vee, Hebrew: Yahweh – Yah-veh
>patriacal storm lighning god that is usually represent in a chariot killing the snake dragon leviathan
>and their root are nearly identical too
Rbert Sepehr showed the swastikas and hexagrams of Baalbek in his video yesterday
9:44 to 9:57